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Way off topic National "do not call list"


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I know it is way off topic but I figured I would pass this on. I get tired of my phone ring from these ambigious bastards, I don't need my cell phone ringing either. I hope this message doesn't annoy anyone.


FYI.......... Register today,

Starting Jan 1, 2005, all cell phone numbers will be made public to

telemarketing firms. So this means as of Jan 1, your cell phone may

start ringing off the hook with telemarketers, but unlike your home

phone, most of you pay for your incoming calls. These telemarketers

will eat up your free minutes and end up costing you money in the long run.

According to the National Do Not Call List, you have until Dec. 15th

2004 to get on the national "Do not call list" for cell phones. They

said that you need to call 1-888-382-1222 from the cell phone that you

wish to have put on the "do not call list" to be put on the list. They

also said you can do it online at www.donotcall.gov http://www.donotcall.gov/>

Registering only takes a minute, is in effect for 5 years and will

possibly save you money (definitely frustration)! Make sure you

register now!

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I registered all my phone numbers including my wireless number a few months ago. It really has helped.

Basically, only one company "Matrix Marketing" continues to call me. When I see their number on my caller ID, I simple go to the website and file a complaint against them. Eventually, they will get a fine.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I don't understand telemarketers. They piss you off, and then they expect to get business from you? huh!

" ...'took my Cobra down t' the track, hitched to the back o' my Cadillac..."

- Jan & Dean, 'hey little cobra'


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... They also said you can do it online at www.donotcall.gov http://www.donotcall.gov/>

Registering only takes a minute, is in effect for 5 years and will

possibly save you money (definitely frustration)! Make sure you

register now!


Thank you for the information...

Link cannot be found...

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I turned my ringer and answering machine off a few months ago and asked all my friends and customers email me if they need to talk to me. Despite my phone number was not listed and was in Do Not Call list it had belonged to two realtors before, so their customers kept calling me all the time...

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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My experience has been the same. I still get an ocassional call from telemarketers... I get their information and then inform them that I will be turning them in. Some of them have the nerve to ask me for my name, phone no., etc. to put me on their "no-call list".....I tell them that I am already on the national do not call list and then they hang up.

Prior to the do not call list, I had a siding company call me and attempt to sell me new siding. They wouldn't take no for an answer.....so I told them that my office building really needed new siding....I gave them the address and they said they would show up to estimate the job. The complex where I work is a HUGE building with metal corrugated siding that looks like a farm building from the outside in order to blend in with the surrounding real estate......I never heard from that siding company again....

'93 Fleetwood Brougham
'05 Deville
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2013 Silverado Z71

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My numbers have been on the list from the beginning at both the state and federal levels. Still, I'll occasionally get a call. When it happens, and after they've identified their company, I tell them they are violating both federal and state law by calling this number, and that this incident is being referred to the Federal Trade Commission for punitive action against their company. You have to interrupt them, because they are reading those damned high pressure scripts so fast you'll be hard pressed to get a word in.

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There was a detailed discussion about this on TV today. The cell companies are not making the numbers available just putting them together. Since it costs you money if someone calls your cell there is some very stiff resistance to the cell numbers being given out. My understanding from this morning is that no cell number will be published unless you give them permission. You will get either a call from your cell provider, or a letter, asking whether you opt in or out.

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Well, I suppose now that I registered ARNOLD will have my cell phone number too! That SOB called me 5 times two months ago, and now nothing. Go figure.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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I have had a mobile phone/cell phone since 1994. I have NEVER had one solicitation call, period. Why am I immune, and should I still sign up on the NOCALL list? I hate to give them my number.


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I signed up months ago and the calls are now just about zero.

When I do get one I tell them I would love to hear what they have to say but I am busy. Then I say "Please give me your personal or business number and I will call you back".

Funny thing, none are willing to give me their phone numbers so I can call them. Maybe they just don't want to be bothered like the rest of us.

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We seldom get telemarketer issues but when we do it pours. And during those times I've always had success dealing directly with the companies. Perhaps if I got hot and mad and belittled the employee on the other end of the line then they'd probably continue to call just to jerk my chain good.

However, one time I actually had to call twice to get off this company's list. Of course I was polite the second time as well. What gets me good are those prerecorded marketing calls that sound like the person is actually there. :D

I find myself doing the "Hello......hello?" check.

This was off the Do Not Call FAQ section. And like everyone else, registration was a breeze:

"One caveat: if a consumer asks a company not to call, the company may not call, even if there is an established business relationship. Indeed, a company may not call a consumer - regardless of whether the consumer's number is on the registry - if the consumer has asked to be put on the company's own do not call list."

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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I saw on a news program last night that this entire thing is fake.

Check this out.

" Soon, however, some of the privacy that cell phones provide may be eroded. Six national wireless companies (AllTel, AT&T Wireless, Cingular, Nextel, Sprint PCS, and T-Mobile) have banded together and hired Qsent, Inc. to produce a Wireless 411 service. Their goal is to pool their listings to create a comprehensive directory of cell phone customer names and phone numbers that would be made available to directory assistance providers. (In most places, telephone users can call directory assistance at 411 [for local numbers] or by dialing an area code plus 555-1212 [for out-of-area numbers] and, by providing enough information to identify an individual phone customer [usually a full name and city of residence], obtain that customer's phone number. "

Accordingly to the site I'm going to post below the Dec 15 2004 cut off was a hoax. But the cell (some) phone companies giving out your number may not be.

On a different note, while it doesn't happen to me, I know people who get solicitations on their cell phone all the time.

Read the entire story here:


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