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Sarah Palin and Princess Diana are cousins, genealogists reveal

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Sarah Palin is related to Princess Diana, experts have revealed.

John McCain’s White House race running mate is a 10th cousin of Princes Harry and William’s late mother, according to genealogists.

And in another bizarre twist it emerged that the Republican governor of Alaska is also related to Democrat hero President Franklin D Roosevelt.

Hardline conservative Mrs Palin, 44, who was today branded a 'disgrace to women' by French actress Brigitte Bardot, is the 9th cousin once removed of the Second World War leader.

He is widely credited for rescuing the U.S. from the grip of the Great Depression with his New Deal scheme during the 1930s.

Their common ancestor is Rev John Lothrop, who came to Massachusetts in 1634, according to research by Ancestry.com.

Last year, current American vice-president Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne, discovered her husband was related to Barack Obama.

She said the relationship was eighth cousin, though the Chicago Sun-Times has traced it as ninth cousins once removed.

Sixties sex idol Miss Bardot described Mrs Palin as 'disconcertingly stupid' for ‘denying the responsibility of man in global warming’ and ‘by advocating gun rights’.

She also told the mother of five, who once dubbed herself a 'pitbull with lipstick': 'I know dogs well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal is as dangerous as you are.

'You are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe.'

The 74-year-old former film star is notorious in France for publicly airing her strong views on immigration, the environment and animal rights.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Most celebrities have little or no background or other credentials for credibility in social or economic matters. Barbara Streisand and Tom Cruise, for example, are high school graduates and have no college experience (Tom Cruise attended a seminary for Catholic Priests; I don't know if he graduated). An exception is Brooke Shields, who has a degree from Princeton -- and she doesn't take partisan stands publicly; she apparently understands that show business is not the same thing as political or cultural leadership.

Brigette Bardot has even less education, apparently moving to dancing school at 13 and never completing a high school diploma. Of course, since 1950, when she appeared on the cover of ELLE and married cradle-robber Roger Vadim in 1952 at age 18 and begun making a rapid series of "female sexuality films" (phrase from Wikipedia), she has had the opportunity to become more world-wise and develop depth. However, attacking Sara Palin or anyone else with apparent vitriol seems more to be an act of following rather than leading. I suppose that her animal activist stands are better considered.

Whenever I hear some celebrity loudly or prominently supporting some partisan potion or otherwise expounding stridently on some issue or another, I wonder if I should be asking a clerk down at the Wall-Mart that has more background on the issue to tell me what to think. That kind of thing is not wise for show business people because it has the effect of turning off x% of their fan base, and doing it more than once or twice can easily be career-ending. At least Bridgette Bardot won't miss out on any movie parts because of her positions.

Sarah Palin stunned the feminist movement because, over time, leaders there have moved toward partisan positions on a number of issues not directly related to feminism, and Sarah Palin shatters that mold of what they want to lead, or to be a role model for women -- but she clearly is a leader and a role model for women.

Can't we all just... get along?

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-- See my CaddyInfo car blogs: 2011 CTS-V, 1997 ETC
Yes, I was Jims_97_ETC before I changed cars.

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An articulate, smart, confident, successful, attractive (considered at times to be a detriment), upbeat, tough woman is considered a disgrace to women, what a joke.

Simply because she believes in right to life over abortion or KILLING A BABY. Killing a baby has been SOFTENED by these KOOKS by calling it a WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE. CHOOSE WHAT?, KILLING A BABY? If I showed these woman blood coursing though veins, they would call it ALIVE! It has nothing to do with a WOMANS right to choose at all, it has to do with MORALS and how it is being VEILED. SOMEONE needs to stand up and show VIDEO of 1) a partial birth abortion, 2) a close up of the HEART BEAT, 3) BLOOD coursing through VEINS and 4) a fetus sucking its THUMB and then lets see WTF right to choose group calls it. Has anyone considered the PAIN caused by a baby getting its brains sucked out?, I suppose they think there is NO pain because the baby has not been spanked on its butt and drawn its first breath.

This is NOT a clear cut issue, and they have framed it as a WOMAN'S RIGHT, like WOMEN WOULD LOSE A RIGHT.. Its about education, you play with FIRE you get burned, be smart, no sex, its dangerous for a LOT of reasons (pregnancy, aids, herbes, etc), not to mention that a girl becomes knows as a SLUT. Teach your children right and wrong. In cases of rape or incest, that is very different and while I don't condone its very different, while that might sound hypocritical by saying its different, it is in fact different. I was appalled by Obama saying he did not want his daughters PUNISHED with a BABY, is there any wonder the LIBERAL press likes him? In addition that crap that Pelosi has said is idiotoc. This is not about woman's right, its about education, teaching your children, morals etc.

What about my RIGHT to KILL my kid because he lied, stole, murdered, cheated or was born with a defect of some sort, where does something like this end? Sounds harsh and absurd doesnt it?, because what I would do is murder but having an abortion of a baby that has a heart beat, blinking eye lids, blood running through its veins, hick ups and moves is NOT murder? why? This is about a woman's right to choose MURDER to me and it has NOTHING to do with religion its about LIFE.

They have GUTs trashing this woman, she is a terrific woman!

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An articulate, smart, confident, successful, attractive (considered at times to be a detriment), upbeat, tough woman is considered a disgrace to women, what a joke.

Simply because she believes in right to life over abortion or KILLING A BABY. Killing a baby has been SOFTENED by these KOOKS by calling it a WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE. CHOOSE WHAT?, KILLING A BABY? If I showed these woman blood coursing though veins, they would call it ALIVE! It has nothing to do with a WOMANS right to choose at all, it has to do with MORALS and how it is being VEILED. SOMEONE needs to stand up and show VIDEO of 1) a partial birth abortion, 2) a close up of the HEART BEAT, 3) BLOOD coursing through VEINS and 4) a fetus sucking its THUMB and then lets see WTF right to choose group calls it. Has anyone considered the PAIN caused by a baby getting its brains sucked out?, I suppose they think there is NO pain because the baby has not been spanked on its butt and drawn its first breath.

This is NOT a clear cut issue, and they have framed it as a WOMANS RIGHT, like WOMAN HAVE LOST IT.. Its education, you play with FIRE you get burned, be smart, no sex, its dangerous for a LOT of reasons (pregnancy, aids, herbes, etc), not to mention that a girl becomes knows as a SLUT. Teach your children right and wrong. In cases of rape or incest, that is very different and while I don't condone it there either its very different, while that might sound hypocritical by saying its different so be it. I was appalled by Obama saying he did not want his daughters PUNISHED with a BABY, is there any wonder the LIBERAL press likes him? In addition that crap that Pelosi has said is idiotoc. This is not about woman's right, its about education, teaching your children, morals etc.

What about my RIGHT to KILL my kid because he lied, stole, murdered, cheated or was born with a defect of some sort, where does something like this end? Sounds harsh and absurd doesnt it?, because what I would do is murder but having an abortion of a baby that has a heart beat, blinking eye lids, blood running through its veins, hick ups and moves is NOT murder? why? This is about a woman's right to choose MURDER to me and it has NOTHING to do with religion its about LIFE.

They have GUTs trashing this woman, she is a terrific woman!

According to the Old Testament, people were stoned to death for nearly everything under the sun, including talking back to your parents. :lol: :lol:

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Sarah Palin is related to Princess Diana, experts have revealed.

John McCain’s White House race running mate is a 10th cousin of Princes Harry and William’s late mother, according to genealogists.

And in another bizarre twist it emerged that the Republican governor of Alaska is also related to Democrat hero President Franklin D Roosevelt.

Hardline conservative Mrs Palin, 44, who was today branded a 'disgrace to women' by French actress Brigitte Bardot, is the 9th cousin once removed of the Second World War leader.

He is widely credited for rescuing the U.S. from the grip of the Great Depression with his New Deal scheme during the 1930s.

Their common ancestor is Rev John Lothrop, who came to Massachusetts in 1634, according to research by Ancestry.com.

Last year, current American vice-president Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne, discovered her husband was related to Barack Obama.

She said the relationship was eighth cousin, though the Chicago Sun-Times has traced it as ninth cousins once removed.

Sixties sex idol Miss Bardot described Mrs Palin as 'disconcertingly stupid' for ‘denying the responsibility of man in global warming’ and ‘by advocating gun rights’.

She also told the mother of five, who once dubbed herself a 'pitbull with lipstick': 'I know dogs well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal is as dangerous as you are.

'You are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe.'

The 74-year-old former film star is notorious in France for publicly airing her strong views on immigration, the environment and animal rights.

Keep in mind that Bardot was recently found guilty of racism by a French court when she criticized Muslims. She tends to be outspoken and in Europe it's not as tolerated as it is here in the States.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Wow you responded quickly. I was afraid to look, :lol: Yes I am being controversial, but you know what its ok for the LEFT to TRASH this woman, now you see how I feel about it, its 180 out.

People are still punished harshly in parts of the world for stealing etc. Its time we settled this question once and for all. I have thought about this

Take 1000 people sit them down and show them short video clips, of dead and living things, leaves, bugs, bacteria, viruses, atoms, plants, hearts beating and not beating, fish and blood coursing through veins, some of which would be from a fetus but you could not discern that. Ask people if its alive or dead nothing else ALIVE OR DEAD PERIOD. That will end the question.

My mom used to say, keep your pants up and your dress down. Morals. As a culture we have gotten away from personal responsiblity, and it is necessary for youth to understand that its necessary to take responsiblity for something when they do something wrong. Morals.

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Wow you responded quickly. I was afraid to look, :lol: Yes I am being controversial, but you know what its ok for the LEFT to TRASH this woman, now you see how I feel about it, its 180 out.

People are still punished harshly in parts of the world for stealing etc. Its time we settled this question once and for all. I have thought about this

Take 1000 people sit them down and show them short video clips, of dead and living things, leaves, bugs, bacteria, viruses, atoms, plants, hearts beating and not beating, fish and blood coursing through veins, some of which would be from a fetus but you could not discern that. Ask people if its alive or dead nothing else ALIVE OR DEAD PERIOD. That will end the question.

My mom used to say, keep your pants up and your dress down. Morals. As a culture we have gotten away from personal responsiblity, and it is necessary for youth to understand that its necessary to take responsiblity for something when they do something wrong. Morals.

The issue of abortion IS controversial, it's a very emotionally charged issue. However, again, we go to the Old Testament and we find several answers to this issue. First of all, the Old Testament says that a child's gender is not settled for the first 40 days and scientifically, this is accurate (funny how a book written thousands of years ago knew this) therefore, during the first 40 days it's not really anything. The Old Testament considers an unborn child a "potential life". It is not considered a life until it takes its first breath. Even in Genesis, when God created Adam, Adam was not considered alive until God breathed life into him. For the record, realize that Jews are against abortion, they will avoid it at all costs however, they will allow it in the case where the unborn is found to be a threat to the life of the mother. A fully developed life trumps a potential life. Even punishments given in the Old Testament lean in favor of a fully developed life. If you killed a person, you paid a severe price but if you killed a potential life, an unborn child, the penalty was much less severe. Again, the Old Testament shows that a fully developed life trumps a potential life. All life should be protected but when a choice has to be made, a fully developed life is protected over that of a potential life. Turning now to nature, we find that nature "herself" will naturally abort about 30 percent of all pregnancies probably because of DNA copying/replicating problems.

If we lived in a perfect world, these issues would not be around to discuss. We don't live in a perfect world so we have these issues to deal with. Personally, I am against abortion performed after the first 40 days of conception unless it turns out that the developing fetus is defective and most likely will not live outside the womb or, it will be a harm to its' mother which happens more often than you think. Here we are in the 21st Century and guess what? Pregnancy is still the number one killer of women, even in so-called "developed nations". While I have known a few women who I considered psychotic and they actually used abortion as a form of birth control, they are far and few between. I can assure you that any woman suffers greatly over the agonizing decision to have an abortion. It's not an issue that's taken lightly.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Point well taken, Thanks

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How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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Point well taken, Thanks

Addressing the even more explosive issue of morals we find that living in a society where we as Americans are no longer behaving as citizens but instead, we behave as consumers, is it really surprising that our children have no morals?? I'm 51 years old. I worked in a hospital for many years and I used to go to the morgue during my lunch hour and watch autopsies. I found it fascinating and I used to draw with pen and ink, some of what I saw. I've held the human brain in my hands. Amazing. Needless to say, the human body does not gross me out or embarrass me. Yet what I've seen on television would make even me blush and get embarrassed. We are so strung out by consumerism that our entire society has become twisted into a big pile of rubble. Strangely enough, if our current recession endures we might actually see a return to basic morals in this country. Less consumerism will lead (hopefully) to a clearer vision of life as a citizen in this country. Citizens have responsibilities, consumers do not.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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There is a major nationwide trucking company.. Covenant Trucking Co...that on the lower left rear corner of every trailer... it says...

It is not a CHOICE

It is a CHILD

Covenant Transport, Inc. is a faith-based, truckload carrier with headquarters in the Scenic City of Chattanooga, Tennessee. David and Jacqueline Parker started Covenant Transport with just 25 tractors and 50 trailers in 1986. Today, Covenant Transport, Inc. belongs to a group of transportation providers called Covenant Transportation Group (CTG), publicly traded under the symbol CVTI. Each company within the group offers premium transportation services.

They don't seem to mention anywhere on their website if David and Jacqueline Parker assist unwed mothers or divorced mothers in supporting their children. Do they? You see, I have this same problem with the Roman Catholic Church. They want the woman to give birth to the child, which is noble of them, but after that, they don't do squat to help that woman raise the child. 75% of all marriages end in divorce in the USA, AFTER the birth of the first child. Over 68% of ALL HOUSEHOLDS in the USA are headed up by a single parent, almost always a woman, almost always living in abject poverty with the father of the child/children no where to be found. No one seems to want to help these women raise these children, not even the faith-based organizations. It makes me wonder about some religions. It would be lovely if all these aborted children were actually born and placed into adoption facilities, but then what? Do they get adopted? Nope, and usually because some faith-based organization gets in the way of that adoption by requiring that the adopting parent raises the child in a particular faith. Like I said, we live in an imperfect world so unfortunately, we are tested by such problems. We also shouldn't be too quick to pass judgment on women who have agonized over having an abortion.

As for the apparent relationship between Sarah Palin and Princess Diana, and being someone who spends a lot of time studying population genetics, all I can say is that genetic mutations abound. I have always considered Princess Diana to be a wonderful person. On the other hand, Palin shoots animals from helicopters which I think is unsportsmanlike and in some states is actually criminal, so as a person who grew up in a hunting family myself, I'd have to say I have no respect for her as a hunter. As a politician, she's also disappointing but so is Obama, Biden and McCain. This is one very disappointing election, I really feel none of them are qualified for president/vice-president so it's going to be a tough choice for me when I get inside the voting booth. Ron Paul is looking good, I might just write in his name.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Most celebrities have little or no background or other credentials for credibility in social or economic matters. Barbara Streisand and Tom Cruise, for example, are high school graduates and have no college experience (Tom Cruise attended a seminary for Catholic Priests; I don't know if he graduated). An exception is Brooke Shields, who has a degree from Princeton -- and she doesn't take partisan stands publicly; she apparently understands that show business is not the same thing as political or cultural leadership.

Can't we all just... get along?

Actually, most actors and actresses are college graduates and most of them have high IQ's as well. Check the Internet Movie Data Base and you'll see what I mean. Just to name a few examples: Julia Roberts has a degree in journalism; Sharon Stone was in college at the age of 15 and is also a member of MENSA; Natalie Portman is attending Harvard for her advanced degree in psychology, she can speak two languages, Hebrew and English (her native languages), fluently. Also knows some conversational French, German, Japanese and Spanish. Clive Owen attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts for 3 years after high school. Meryl Streep attended Vassar and then Yale School of Drama and also learned to play the violin by practicing 6 hours a day for 8 weeks. I can go on and on here but I think you get the idea. For those of you who have never acted, I can assure you, since I have acted, it's not an easy job and it requires enormous brain power. Hollywood is traditionally "liberal" so politically, they have their own ideas, but I think it's unfair to disqualify their ideas because you believe they don't have any educational backing.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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... Hollywood is traditionally "liberal" so politically, they have their own ideas, but I think it's unfair to disqualify their ideas because you believe they don't have any educational backing.
I don't think that is what I was doing. Thank you for your research on actors who have education, and I did give one example that I knew of in my post. However, none of the educated actors on your list have embarrassed themselves with public statements that are personal attacks on political figures -- or other celebrities, as some others have done.

I avoid partisanship in politics, religion, sports, automobile marques, etc. because my observation is that such things are self-indulgent and non-negotiable and thus are best kept to oneself. In addition, I have found that most things like political parties and automobile marques will do something that embarrasses me sooner or later. I was a Chevrolet man for many years, in no small part because of their Corvette, but there was a string of years, I believe in the 1970's and 1980's, where the Corvette drive train was pretty much the same as the daily-driver Camaro, including two-barrel low-performance V8s with automatic transmissions as the standard options, and no high-performance drive train or suspension was available. This was in the same period when GM management pretty much flatlined Cadillac, too. So, if you see me taking a position that you want to attack or for me to defend, you will be disappointed. I don't do that. If posts in this thread draw fire no matter what I say, I'll abandon it.

In show business of any type (with the possible exceptions of political commentators and TV preachers), allowing association with partisan issues works against audience building. If the public is your customer, parsing your fans according to irrelevant criteria reduces your popularity, and in show business popularity is everything. PT Barnum once said "I don't care what they're saying about me so long as they're talking about me" but nobody came to see PT Barnum or came to his circus because they liked PT Barnum.

I'm horrified that Sharah Palin shoots game from helicopters as you mentioned in post #12; do you have any links that I can look at to learn more about it?

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Yes, I was Jims_97_ETC before I changed cars.

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... Hollywood is traditionally "liberal" so politically, they have their own ideas, but I think it's unfair to disqualify their ideas because you believe they don't have any educational backing.

So, if you see me taking a position that you want to attack or for me to defend, you will be disappointed. I don't do that. If posts in this thread draw fire no matter what I say, I'll abandon it.

I'm horrified that Sharah Palin shoots game from helicopters as you mentioned in post #12; do you have any links that I can look at to learn more about it?

First off, no one, including myself attacked your comments. I merely wanted to offer up a correction as additional information. Many times we only know about actors and actresses as information that which the media puts forth. I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

As for Sarah Palin, she put forth laws allowing the aerial shooting of wolves. However, I also read somewhere that she also took part in a shooting herself. Below is a video of this situation concerning her pushing of the law. I'll continue to look for the information which shows she was an actual part of the shooting but regardless, to put forward such a law is barbaric to say the least. I really don't think she encompasses my ideal of a "woman". She seems more like a "tough broad" who uses her "sexuality" to manipulate people.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Most celebrities have little or no background or other credentials for credibility in social or economic matters. Barbara Streisand and Tom Cruise, for example, are high school graduates and have no college experience (Tom Cruise attended a seminary for Catholic Priests; I don't know if he graduated). An exception is Brooke Shields, who has a degree from Princeton -- and she doesn't take partisan stands publicly; she apparently understands that show business is not the same thing as political or cultural leadership.

Brigette Bardot has even less education, apparently moving to dancing school at 13 and never completing a high school diploma. Of course, since 1950, when she appeared on the cover of ELLE and married cradle-robber Roger Vadim in 1952 at age 18 and begun making a rapid series of "female sexuality films" (phrase from Wikipedia), she has had the opportunity to become more world-wise and develop depth. However, attacking Sara Palin or anyone else with apparent vitriol seems more to be an act of following rather than leading. I suppose that her animal activist stands are better considered.

Whenever I hear some celebrity loudly or prominently supporting some partisan potion or otherwise expounding stridently on some issue or another, I wonder if I should be asking a clerk down at the Wall-Mart that has more background on the issue to tell me what to think. That kind of thing is not wise for show business people because it has the effect of turning off x% of their fan base, and doing it more than once or twice can easily be career-ending. At least Bridgette Bardot won't miss out on any movie parts because of her positions.

Sarah Palin stunned the feminist movement because, over time, leaders there have moved toward partisan positions on a number of issues not directly related to feminism, and Sarah Palin shatters that mold of what they want to lead, or to be a role model for women -- but she clearly is a leader and a role model for women.

Can't we all just... get along?

I have found your views very balanced Jim, I think that is a sign of intelligence and of an open mind.

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In show business of any type (with the possible exceptions of political commentators and TV preachers), allowing association with partisan issues works against audience building. If the public is your customer, parsing your fans according to irrelevant criteria reduces your popularity, and in show business popularity is everything. PT Barnum once said "I don't care what they're saying about me so long as they're talking about me" but nobody came to see PT Barnum or came to his circus because they liked PT Barnum.

I'm horrified that Sharah Palin shoots game from helicopters as you mentioned in post #12; do you have any links that I can look at to learn more about it?

I have to agree, Barbara Streisand could send me front row tickets and invite me back stage for a happy ending and I wouldn't go, I actually liked her music at one point. The same goes for Tim Robbins, (loved Shawshank Redemption), Danny Glover, Alec Baldwin, Dixi Chicks, Willie Nelson, Danny Davito, Susan Sarandon, Letterman, Clooney, etc. The list is endless. I wonder if they realize how much they hurt themselves, I actually threw out about 4 Streisand albums.

However it seems to me that Hollywood has always been liberal


Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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I had pretty much decided to let this rest. However, I do want to make a few points.

I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

A vicious attack ad on YouTube links predator management legislation with Gov. Palin. Interesting.

Click Here for a really good perspective on the coming Election.

-- Click Here for CaddyInfo page on "How To" Read Your OBD Codes
-- Click Here for my personal page to download my OBD code list as an Excel file, plus other Cadillac data
-- See my CaddyInfo car blogs: 2011 CTS-V, 1997 ETC
Yes, I was Jims_97_ETC before I changed cars.

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I had pretty much decided to let this rest. However, I do want to make a few points.

I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

A vicious attack ad on YouTube links predator management legislation with Gov. Palin. Interesting.

Click Here for a really good perspective on the coming Election.

The Onion is satire news. but nice try anyway.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I had pretty much decided to let this rest. However, I do want to make a few points.

I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

A vicious attack ad on YouTube links predator management legislation with Gov. Palin. Interesting.

Click Here for a really good perspective on the coming Election.

The Onion is satire news. but nice try anyway.

I read the reasoning behind the wolf kill at Alaska's game management website. The theory goes like this: 80% of moose etc. are killed by wolves and 10% of moose etc. are killed by humans. Wolves are better hunters than humans. Wolves are taking food off the tables of humans, therefore, we have to reduce the number of wolves. (No mention of reducing the number the humans in Alaska which is the real problem). When Inuits were basically the only inhabitants of these cold regions, there was never a problem with "game management". Along comes the white man with his machine guns and other crazy hunting tools and suddenly now, there's not enough food to go around. So, we have to kill off man's competition, the wolf. I think the whole thing is pretty disgusting and arrogant.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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... Hollywood is traditionally "liberal" so politically, they have their own ideas, but I think it's unfair to disqualify their ideas because you believe they don't have any educational backing.

So, if you see me taking a position that you want to attack or for me to defend, you will be disappointed. I don't do that. If posts in this thread draw fire no matter what I say, I'll abandon it.

I'm horrified that Sharah Palin shoots game from helicopters as you mentioned in post #12; do you have any links that I can look at to learn more about it?

First off, no one, including myself attacked your comments. I merely wanted to offer up a correction as additional information. Many times we only know about actors and actresses as information that which the media puts forth. I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

As for Sarah Palin, she put forth laws allowing the aerial shooting of wolves. However, I also read somewhere that she also took part in a shooting herself. Below is a video of this situation concerning her pushing of the law. I'll continue to look for the information which shows she was an actual part of the shooting but regardless, to put forward such a law is barbaric to say the least. I really don't think she encompasses my ideal of a "woman". She seems more like a "tough broad" who uses her "sexuality" to manipulate people.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

i would just like to point out that the footage of the plane and the shooters in this commercial are from the '70s. it's edited in with a more recent wolf footage.

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... Hollywood is traditionally "liberal" so politically, they have their own ideas, but I think it's unfair to disqualify their ideas because you believe they don't have any educational backing.

So, if you see me taking a position that you want to attack or for me to defend, you will be disappointed. I don't do that. If posts in this thread draw fire no matter what I say, I'll abandon it.

I'm horrified that Sharah Palin shoots game from helicopters as you mentioned in post #12; do you have any links that I can look at to learn more about it?

First off, no one, including myself attacked your comments. I merely wanted to offer up a correction as additional information. Many times we only know about actors and actresses as information that which the media puts forth. I just thought I would let you see that they are for the most part, thinking and educated people.

As for Sarah Palin, she put forth laws allowing the aerial shooting of wolves. However, I also read somewhere that she also took part in a shooting herself. Below is a video of this situation concerning her pushing of the law. I'll continue to look for the information which shows she was an actual part of the shooting but regardless, to put forward such a law is barbaric to say the least. I really don't think she encompasses my ideal of a "woman". She seems more like a "tough broad" who uses her "sexuality" to manipulate people.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

i would just like to point out that the footage of the plane and the shooters in this commercial are from the '70s. it's edited in with a more recent wolf footage.

It looks fairly modern to me but if you say so. Regardless, they're killing wolves to this day by shooting them from a plane which is just utterly amazing, and I'm still looking for that comment I saw somewhere which actually had a video showing Palin in a helicopter shooting at wolves down below.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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...I'm still looking for that comment I saw somewhere which actually had a video showing Palin in a helicopter shooting at wolves down below.
I'm looking for a video of Cheney shooting a banker in the face. Let me know if you run across it, or decide to make one yourself. Have you checked MoveOn.org or the other well-funded partisan sites?

The footage did look familiar, though; I think I saw it some time ago on TV -- National Geographic or Animal Planet documentary about bounty hunters?

Shooting them out of a helicopter with a rifle is pretty primitive. The way it's been done by the military for many years is better: stabilized, like movie and TV cameras, and aimed or even fired by FLIR trackers for quick kill. Let me know if you find a real video showing that.

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You know something like this is magnified, but the teflon Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton skate along unquestioned, how was Hillary considered AT ALL?, but we worry about a permitted method in Alaska of controlling wolf.

Whitewater, Hillary was involved

Vince Foster Suicide/Murder coverup and the missing $250 million

Her huge and inexplicable winnings in a cattle futures operation


Kathleen Willy RAPE

Juanita Broderick Rape accusations

Clinton accused of sexual assault for 30 years http://www.capitolhillblue.com/Feb1999/022...women022599.htm


Monica, Cigars, Depends on what you mean by sex

Rose Law firm records

Roger Clinton pleads guilty to cocaine

The fact that they lead separate lives

The use of FBI files on political opponents and the open question of what information from these files Hillary still possesses

A case, still in court, involving the alleged failure to report over a million dollars in campaign contributions. Clinton's Senate campaign has already been fined by the FEC for failing to accurately report $700,000 in contributions

Her relationship with such indisputably dubious persons such as Johnny Chung, John Huang, Ng Lap Seng, Mochtar Riady, the McDougalds, Craig Livingstone, Webster Hubbell and Jorge Cabrera

Hillary and Universal Healthcare

Bill Clinton PARDONS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_...ons_controversy

And during all of this carpetbagger HILLARY stood by her man, go figure. Think it was for political reasons? There are other issues like the way she treated military personel, etc

They stole stuff from the white house when the left

What was SANDY BERGER HIDING in HIS PANTS and DESTROYING to protect the Clintons???

The disastrous Clinton Admin disgraced the highest office in the land, diluited MORALS and ETHICS, brought 'sex' to the public forefront.

Lets focus on MORALS, ETHICS, PRIDE, INTENT, INTELLIGENCE and LOVE OF THE US and the belief that we are inherently a good country. The rest of the garbage that is being discussed is BS. How the Clintons are still in the public eye is shocking, but I am sure if she won the nomination, that many Dumacratic voters would not have blinked an EYE voting for her, but instead we are worried about a hunter's method of controlling wolf. Ask yourself this, Do you think if a Republican did any of this, they would still be on the public stage?, why wasn't this stuff brought up by the media? Think if Palin had any of this in her background the press would remain silent? Not likely huh?

Do people in Alaska really shoot wolves from planes?

Yes, but only with the government's permission. Aerial shooting yields better results than traditional hunting, since it allows the hunter to cover a lot of ground quickly and track target animals from a clear vantage point. Historically, hunters also used planes to drive animals—polar bears in Alaska and elk in Montana, among others—toward gunmen waiting on the ground. But many hunters found the practice unsportsmanlike, since it violates the "fair chase" ethic, and animal rights activists call it inhumane, since airborne gunmen rarely get a clean (i.e., relatively painless) kill. In response to concerns like these, Congress passed the Federal Airborne Hunting Act of 1972, which made it illegal for hunters to shoot animals from a plane or helicopter.

Since 2003, Alaska has issued aerial wolf-hunting permits in select areas where moose and caribou populations are particularly endangered. The idea is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper


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...I'm still looking for that comment I saw somewhere which actually had a video showing Palin in a helicopter shooting at wolves down below.
I'm looking for a video of Cheney shooting a banker in the face.

Shooting them out of a helicopter with a rifle is pretty primitive. The way it's been done by the military for many years is better: stabilized, like movie and TV cameras, and aimed ore even fired by FLIR trackers for quick kill. Let me know if you find a real video showing that.

I thought it was a lawyer that "Buckshot Cheney" blasted in the face. So what's wrong with shooting a lawyer???

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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