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I retired 23 years ago at 53 (I'll let you do the math) but I have owned American Saddlebred show horses since I was 10 (66 years now in case you couldn't do the math) and I still have horses and manage three of the largest horse shows in Michigan. The largest has a budget of about $100k. I never have a moment when I don't know what to do with myself. I am in my 50th year as a director of our state Horse Show Association of which I served as president for 21 years.

Unlike many of you, I have little interest in waxing and polishing my Caddy. There's so damned much cleaning and polishing horses and all their equipment, I just can't work up any enthusiasm for polishing my car too.

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I, am a Stationary Engineer by trade but, licenced as a stationary engineer and a refrigeration operator . I operate boilers, chillers, air handling units and other related equiptment for a major company here in the Rochester area. I have been at this type of job since I was discharged from the United States Navy in '84 (while in the navy I was a boiler technician) by the way I enjoy my job very much :D

For all of you office workers I am the guy who keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter B)

This is my second and last wife we do not have children together but each of us has kids (my son lives with me) In my spare time I enjoy going out to eat, travel, visiting family and friends, rideing my mountain bike, working out (sometimes) and working overtime. :D and just plain screwing off....

Much love Peace,


P. S. I love the NY Knicks, Caddys and Molsen Ice.....


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I'm a Tool, Die, Mold maker. I retired 4 years ago at age 49. Like John said: People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing. Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin. When I say that I'm OK, they look at me kind of strange. Surley your'e not happy now you no longer play the game.... Don't you miss the big time boy your'e no longer on the ball? ... Well, I'm no longer riding on the merry-go-round, I just had to let it go. The "Job" was OK but this "Endless Summer" is a LOT BETTER. Keep on Rockin in the Free World...


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Production Manager at a Plastic COLOR Concentrate Extrusion Company... In a nutshell, we do not make plastic, we make it prettier!

24 years old and will own a cadi forever

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I have worked in the Operations Department of a nuclear power plant for 20 years.

I used to work shift work in the control room as a licensed reactor operator. Now I have a day shift job as the Unit Coordinator. I sit at a computer and schedule all the maintaince and repair and testing work that is done on one of the Reactor plants. And I go to meetings. Homer Simpson is my HERO!


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Interesting thread!

I am a chemical process operator for The Albemarle Corporation, which manufactures many chemicals for the pharmaceutical, agricultural and polymer industries. We have many plants worldwide, but the one I work at is our research and development plant.

It's enjoyable, but I spend TOO much time out in the heat!

......Louisiana heat ain't no joke either!

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Great Idea. Very interesting reading member do for a living.

I am a Senior Engineering Manager for a very large Telecommunications company. What I do from day to day varies, which is what keeps the job interesting. I do every thing from evaluating new technologies and advise on various technical committees to development of technical classes. I also teach technical classes within and outside the company.

By way of education, I have:



BA- Business


BS-Biology (I was a pre-major some time ago)

As long as I remember I have always been interested in cars from both the engineering viewpoint and the mechanics viewpoint. They are fun toys.

Vince P

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...a licensed reactor operator...


Wow, you need a license to do that? Whodathunkit?!? :P

Very cool gig... My role models are Homer J. Simpson and Bullwinkle J. Moose, BTW. Funny how all these "J"s keep flaring up, eh?


-Mark P.

Salem, MA

IPB Image

"Refined Sugar" - '96 SLS, 175K

"...the Caddy is dedicated to relentlessly -- and comfortably -- converting time into distance." -J.J. Gertler

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Accumulated over 33 contiguous years in 24 x 7 x 365 chemical plant operations. Started out with anhydrous ammonia, carbon dioxide and ammonium carbamate for the first 7-years or so. Worked with nitric acid, ammonium nitrate and urea for albout 11-years. Moved into herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides for a couple years within in the same company. Have been one of the senior players at our sodium cyanide production facility for the past 14-years.

Worked the rotating shift Operator thing for the first 8-years and then moved to day shift specialist. Have been a Manager one time or another of Safety, Personnel, Environmental, Maintenance, Customer Service, Transporation and of course - Production.

Almost daily use of personal and small business computers since 1979 or so. Specified, purchased, installed, programmed and operated plant control systems and small MIS systems. Speciality has been process startups and de-bugging.

In addition to the mundane, I usually get involved in "interesting situations" requiring investigations, reports and sometimes - emergency response.

Rebuild computers to donate as a relaxing hobby. The Caddy just runs...hard !

I enjoy the interesting problems, wealth of knowledge on the site and the outstanding can-do attitude that is prevalant.

Interesting thread!

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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Presently Sr.Staff Engineer for a company that will remain unnamed. My specialty has been Electronic Warfare for 25+ years. All highly classified endeavors. My education and training is EE, and particle beam physics. Early on I was involved with the development of SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator ) and SLED (Stanford Linear Accelerator Energy Doubling project). Also was later involved with the thirty terawatt Shiva/Nova laser at Lawrence Livermore Labs NIF (National Ignition Facility). I have spent much time in research labs in the US and abroad, more recently at the Directed Energy Directorate. http://www.de.afrl.af.mil/ And yes, I have worked at area 51 (Groom Lake)... There are many things I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to.... ;)

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

user posted image

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I have worked at area 51 (Groom Lake)... There are many things I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to.... ;)

I did some training at Area 16....... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........LOL!! :lol:

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I have to apologize to anyone who might have tried to access the RPS-Atlantic.org website. I found out about 5 hours ago that the site is down.

I've contacted the site administrator/programmer and I'm hoping it will be up again soon.

If any of you software engineers are out there, maybe you can show these guys how to PROPERLY run the site. This problem has happened before and I'm just about ready to remove the site permanently from photo.net and find a RELIABLE server to host the site.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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It's enjoyable, but I spend TOO much time out in the heat!

......Louisiana heat ain't no joke either!

The Louisiana "skeeters" are no fun either..... :lol:

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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The http://www.rps-atlantic.org site appears to be back on line. Let's see how long this lasts... :huh:

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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THis is an interesting thread :)

I am just going off to university to take mechanical engineering in September. Right now, I pay for gas with money from my job as a Coffee mixing expert at Tim Hortons! :D

My dad (also posts under this account from time to time) is a nuclear physicist at the local power plant www.brucepower.com . Hes on the computer engineering crew there, designing systems to keep the stations humming along. I also just finished a 5 month coop at the plant, with the mechanical engineers.


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There was a poll like this about 2 years ago on the old board and was just as interesting then.

Larry, it was I who started that thread. :)

As it stands now, 3rd yr at Univ. at Buffalo on my way to getting a B.A. in Economuics & Finance. Might possibly take an internship at a bank this fall and see where things go from there. I would also like to get into investing more.

Oh, and my current job is at a movie theatre...been there 6 years.



93 Cad Seville 100K

95 Chev Blazer 143K [garaged summers] :)

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Lineman for the power Co. I work in the Napa Valley in California. Great job 26 years with the Co. Hobbies are fishing , building computers , cars , travel , I have three kids in college and work alot of overtime to pay for it.


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Im a HVACR Tech.Its the summer so you know im VERY busy.Its a cool job and somebodys gotta do it B) .OOoo do yourself a favor...make sure you change your filters and clean out your condensing unit.(out door part of your A/C system)It will most likely save you from calling one of my Buddies in the middle of the nite for a service call.I hope everyones enjoying this nice weather.~Sal

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similar line as above.... air duct cleaning... very busy this time of year! I've done this part time while in college and full time in the summer for 2.5 yrs. Between work and school and my dumb old car I own a small business... roof cleaning. (you know those terrible streaks that are probably on your house's roof)

Yes, yes, yes, replace your filters often! Or wash them out if you have electrostatics!

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I'm a self employed machinist. I own a small machine shop in Gilroy, CA, the Garlic Capitol of the World. I've been doing machine work for allmost 40 years now.

Break out the Caddy and come to the Garlic Festival http://www.gilroygarlicfestival.com/

Love my 98 ETC, just wished the wife would let me do more WOT's. I try and tell her it prevents expensive repairs.

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Between work and school and my dumb old car I own a small business... roof cleaning. (you know those terrible streaks that are probably on your house's roof)

Okay, I'll bite...what are those streaks? Every house around here (southeastern North Carolina) has them, including our 10-year-old house with the original roof. We figured it was sap from all the pine trees. No?

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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Gilroy, CA, the Garlic Capitol of the World.

Ahh, yes, very familiar! I used to live in Morgan Hill. We just got done with a family reunion at the Thousand Trails campground near Morgan Hill. Ever eat at Mountain Mike's pizza, on 101 in Morgan Hill? Wait...I vaguely remembering asking you that before...have we had this discussion in the past? :)

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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I was jumping out of helicopters @Ft Bragg 35 years ago as a medic with the 307th Medical Battalion of the 82nd Airborne. From there I got a free trip to see beautiful Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. I made it home with no visible scars and made it through college at age 28 with a Business Management Degree. I have run a liquor store, been a general contractor in Ft Collins, Co., spent 8 years banking in Colorado (director of the Bank of Breckenridge), moved back to Iowa to farm for 6 years and have had various purchasing and production management positions in the last 10 years. Currently Site Manager for a fluid management company in-house at a major hydraulics manufacturer. At 55, I'm done trying to tear up the world and am just doing my job and enjoying life. My wife drives the Caddy most of the time but she lets me work on it and keep it purring. We got the STS first then I got a new fishing boat so we're both happy. I actually spent more $ on the boat than the STS but at least did it in the right order!

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Self employed insurance agent. It's a family business started by my great grandfather in 1879. Now with my son working in the agency he is the fifth generation in the business.

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