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My Eldorado Touring Coupe, and other important things...

Entries in this blog

Annual Trip To Florida

Small Dog Days in the Sun... Hey, greetings!! I never really posted this officially, but it will soon become apparent that I now have an Escalade.. Well, my annual Escape From Reality trip to Florida... Here we go!!! Here we go, heading out from Pewaukee... Already dark out. Traffic was super light at night... almost nonexistent.. A little gas stop in Champaign Illinois... Heh heh, actually, there aren't very many "little" gas stops in an Escalade... Dawn in Tennessee... Nice day. Th



Fireplug Takes the Ho-Chunk!!!

Hey, what's up??? Well, Fireplug (Celebrity Dalmation Puppy Dog) and I took the Escalade to the Ho Chunk Casino Yesterday. The HO-Chunk is in an area called the Wisconsin Dells, which is like around 50 miles north of Madison. Indian Gaming Casino type of place. In the pre-dawn hours we left, seeking adventure, Poker, and whatever else a small dog craves.... Even in the dark, you can see that wax job... 2 coats of the NXT 2.0 stuff. Not easy to wipe off, but nice results. And let me s



The New Ride...

Well, I suppose the suspense has gone on long enough.... This is the New Escalade.... Well, new to me. 2004, 40,000 miles on it... mint condition. I traded the Envoy for it, and have put the Eldorado up for sale... Very nice truck. Probably a little too nice for me. Super nice ride. Enjoy!



I'm Still Here!!

Greetings! I know, it's been awhile.... I'm not dead, I've just been busy... Last winter COMPLETELY kicked my little butt to the curb... completely. Snowing like every day, working nights (when they don't plow), pounding through fresh snow night after night.... I might be scarred for life... And this spring, I picked up my new Bike, a 2007 Harley Davidson Road King Classic... Super Nice. So, I spent a good part of March and April in my garage, bolting on the accessories and hop up parts...



More Florida

I'm pasting these from my other blog.... they're a little old, but while it's sooo f-ing nice outside, I thought you might want a laugh.... Return of the Native Hey, what's up?!?!?! Well, I'm back in Wisconsin... yeah. I'm so thrilled... Whew. At those "welcome centers" at the state line, they oughta pass out Prozac and a little Oxy for people... Had a great trip. Here I am with the fellas in Florida.... Here's my Driver, getting ready to take me golfing.... Your intrepid author an




The Fireplug Has Landed... Hey, greetings again!!! (cue dramatic theme music...) The Fireplug Has Landed!!! I find myself in sunny southwest Florida, a few miles north of Fort Myers... A little slow with the camera, but this is our crossing over the Florida border... A nice trip overall. Uneventful. Sure feels good to stop, when you're finally there!! By the way, special thanks to The Doc, not just for all the bacon cheeseburgers and Egg McMuffins, but for a new Sony 12 megapixel camer



Legends of the Fall

Hello again! I know, I've been babbling for a month about my truck, and motorcycles... so, just so you know, I still have the Eldorado Touring Coupe, still love it.... I tried to put Fireplug on the car and take the picture... as I'm walking away, a wind gust catches him, blows him off, I caught him like a touchdown pass.... really blasting windy here today... I just had the craziest experience.... you can't make this stuff up... My Mother calls, the oil light is on in her car. I tell he



Small Dogs & Big Bikes

Greetings again!! Well, the Cadillac is put away for the winter. Always a kind of sad thing. Getting cold here though.... snow will be flying soon enough, I'm sure. In fact, I saw some snow, in person, Monday, driving up to a little place called Arbor Vitae Wisconsin. It's near Eagle River, near the UP of Michigan. Drove into an actual snow squall... sobering, to be sure... And why in the hell would a small doggie drive all the way up there? Glad you asked... Yep... looking at anot



Stick a fork in me!!

Hey, howzit going?? On the Cadillac front, the ETC is running perfect.... I see some head gasket threads are appearing again on the "other" forum... I actually had the thought the other day, that "Gee, my car is running perfect, looks perfect... I should sell it RIGHT NOW before something goes wrong..." But, knowing me, a half hour after someone drove it away, I'd be cruising autotrader for another one.... Pretty soon, I'll have to park it until spring..... always sad. It also occurred to m



Been Awhile...

Hey, I'm still here! Been really busy... Been a great summer, but there's no time for blogging on the computer. Well, on the Eldorado Service front, I did my annual radiator fluid change the other day. Went real smooth. Still using my little wooden homemade petcock rotating tool... still works. I do it every year, to soothe my head gasket paranoia... I mix the Dexcool 50/50 with distilled water. Costs $21 to do it myself. For that, I'll do it every year and hope for the best... Also cha



Not exactly frozen tundra, but...

Good day! Well, Fireplug made it to the Green Bay Packers Annual Shareholder's meeting last week. Pretty exciting stuff for a small doggie! Dawn outside Lambeau Field. Had someone with me, so we drove the Envoy. I know, I shoulda taken the Eldorado, but... although on the way home, I was glad I did, because we drove through a crazy thunderstorm with some hail... no damage. But, it's nice to sit higher in rough weather... Of course, at home, it was dry... we could actually use a little ra




Greetings, Fellow Cadillac Conneissuers... Well, some of you have been reading my posts for a long time, but in case you haven't, I suppose a little introduction is in order... I have a 1997 Eldorado Touring Coupe, Diamond White with a black Leather interior... very nice. It just rolled 90,000 miles, and I am the second owner. I'd give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Very nice car. My issues are nitpicks, really, and for my age and lifestyle right now, it's close to perfect. This is my 4th Cadilla



The Legend of Fireplug...

Well, I suppose some of you may (or may not) have been wondering, Who's Fireplug, and why does he get his picture taken??? Glad you asked. And if you didn't, feel free to skip this... Long time ago, I was moving out of my parent's house. My much younger sister, who to this day has a monsterous doll collection, comes into my room with little Fireplug, one of her stuffed toys that she used to carry around the house with her all the time. She says "Do you want to take Fireplug to your new



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