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Not exactly frozen tundra, but...



Good day!

Well, Fireplug made it to the Green Bay Packers Annual Shareholder's meeting last week.

Pretty exciting stuff for a small doggie!

Dawn outside Lambeau Field. Had someone with me, so we drove the Envoy. I know, I shoulda taken the Eldorado, but... although on the way home, I was glad I did, because we drove through a crazy thunderstorm with some hail... no damage. But, it's nice to sit higher in rough weather... Of course, at home, it was dry... we could actually use a little rain, so, you KNOW it must be dry, because we Harley Riders are never asking for rain....

Welcome to the Shareholder's Meeting!

The field was completely rebuilt this offseason. Looks good, at the moment. We'll see how it holds up. If you're wondering, that's the padded wall they do the "Lambeau Leap" over...

Nice statue of Vince Lombardi outside... has the same look my football coaches used to give me, before they told me to start running laps... still a little disconcerting, after all these years....

Hard to get a shot of a small doggie and a big statue....

A rare shot of your intrepid author... I prefer to let Fireplug do the pictures...

Car's running perfect, I have nothing to post on that front. Waxed it up a week ago, it's looking great. Got the A/C fixed in it, so that's running again, thank goodness... been warm and dry here.


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