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I'm suprised this has'nt happen years ago. Around the big citys with the digital read out boards just put on the freeway. You can'nt do anything with out being watched anymore.

Michael ;)

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Lot's of law enforcement in my family (and friends), one of my brother in laws is CHP. General rule of thumb here, you need to be >7mph over the limit before they pull you over and begin writing..

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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I see lawsuits over this though. At the very least, I see many motorists getting out of the tickers. Say, if you have tinted windows and they cannot photograph the driver. Well they can prove it is your car, but they cannot prove whom is driving the car. It is not illegal to allow someone to drive your car so in court............they would have to be able to prove who was in that driver's seat when the infraction occured. I will take a jury trial please..............

Hey, you know them realistic masks they sell that make you look like Michael Jackson or Randy Moss? I loned my car to Randy that day.....................I swear ............good thing it was just a camera...........cuz he runs over traffic cops!!!!! LOL. Or, I loned Michael my car, but I would not let him take my kids.................hahaha

But in all seriousness..............it is not illegal to wear a mask while driving either. Hell, even a ski mask. Now instead of robbing a bank, you are just robbing the poor goverment of their fines...........that is a shame. We don't give them enough money to begin with.

They are not taking a photo of you they are taking a photo of the car and the plate. You had better have reported your car stolen and keep track of who borrows it and when....I don't think they care who is driving, its doubtful you will win that fight, driving as they say is a privledge.

This is a shame, you exposed your ethics and morals to me with this statement, "Now instead of robbing a bank, you are just robbing the poor goverment of their fines...........that is a shame". Now I will be on guard. Why would I be so lucky for you to have ethics with me, understand? And that can come into play here, I have lent tools, sent engines to members.....that I develop trust in.

Lets not forget that you are putting peoples lives at risk first and attempting to defraud the government second. This is a local police department attempting to make the roads that YOU drive on, safe for workers. Ethics are important for me. I'd turn your butt in so don't let me know about it :rolleyes:

I guarentee you that they will not convict me without a photo of me, the car, and the plate (or anyone with a lawyer for that matter). I asked my lawyer about it today (talking to him about a different matter) and he just laughed. He agreed and said without a photo of the owner of the car, they are out of luck and would not even attempt to prosecute it. He called me later and said out of curiousity, he checked with the Illonois State Police and was told they will only be prosecuting the cars whom have the owner as the driver, as it is too much a waste of time to try to get a car owner to admit whom was driving their car, if they could even remember. Now, that does not mean that you will not be asked to show up at traffic court so they can look at your license and see that it was not you driving. But outside of that, there is not much they can do. In court, the burden of proof is on the State, and not the accused. So they do have to prove you were at fault and the one driving. A jury does not care who the person driving was........their only question is was it you? If they question that, must be Not Guilty. By the way, I live in northern Indiana and am in the Chicago area working on a regular basis, so this was of some concern to me. Not that I speed through construction zones, but some are hard to recognize. Some signs read "when flashing", and when you are in a middle lane of 4 or five lanes, it is hard to see if they are flashing or not in traffic. Anyone who ever drove near that spagetti bowl in Chi Town would know what I mean.

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Last year my son was at Great Lakes (Navy) and we traveled that route a lot. The whole metro seems to be a construction zone. Although most of our trips through you would be lucky to get up to 55 mph. What a mess.

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Well, IMHO

This entire thread will be a faint, fond memory in a number of years (and not because we are getting older).

Remember that driving is a privilege - and that also includes where you can drive. One of the first conditioning processes has already occurred. Example: HOV High Occupancy Vehicle or Car Pool lanes are all too familiar.

Recall the "holy grail" of automating vehicle distance, etc - so that more cars can be packed on a given road. The logical precursor to every bureaucrat's wet dream is to first govern vehicle speeds automatically.

Can't happen you say? Lexus currently touts a car that warns the driver of obstacles in the path and even brakes automatically to protect itself. By comparison, setting a speed limit via passive RFID embedded into road signs or even an fully-interactive system is easy. We will have actual "Road Traffic Control", not just somebody watching cameras of freeway backups and accidents.

The technology has been with us for years and years, but the politics are a bit trickier. However, consider in this thread how the once universally-hated speed cameras - provide a great example of how many attitudes can change - for the right reasons of course (the poor construction guys, school zones, or...).

The most expeditious way to get such laws written is a knee-jerk reaction to something that could compromise our safety. It will finally happen like this after some terrible accident killing many innocents:

Any construction, accidents, bad weather or other safety issue; will invoke appropriate-reduced speed limits automatically.

Want to hang on to your Ole Caddy Gramps? OK then, any non-compliant vehicle (old technology, with only human-operated controls) will be relegated to some crappy side roads. The best roads will be SMART ROADS, which will set the speed limits on the safety-compliant, full-digital vehicles. This will be politics and marketing at their finest hour.

OK, enough ranting... Enjoy the WOT's while you can folks... :blink:

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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In New York City, they have red light cameras. They take photos of cars running red lights, it includes the car and the plate. My friend got a ticket in the mail with the photo and a ticket, that he paid. Reading this thread, since the photo didnt' include his face, he should have fought it..

Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

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In New York City, they have red light cameras. They take photos of cars running red lights, it includes the car and the plate. My friend got a ticket in the mail with the photo and a ticket, that he paid. Reading this thread, since the photo didnt' include his face, he should have fought it..

Mike, heard that happened to a guy so he sent them a picture of a hundred dollar bill, they sent him a picture of a set of handcuffs.........he paid the ticket :D


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Q: What is the Red Light Camera Program?

A: The Red Light Camera Program uses technology that enables us to automatically take high-resolution photographs of vehicles that go through red lights, including close-ups of the license plates. Summonses are issued to the owners of the vehicles, as with parking violations. The photos are included with the summonses. New York City DOT had the first full-time red light photographic enforcement program in the United States. We were the first jurisdiction to send photos to respondents as part of the summons.

Q: Are Red Light Cameras effective in preventing drivers from running red lights?

A: Studies have shown a 40 percent decrease in the total number of incidents of motorists going through red lights at the locations where cameras have been installed. That means fewer accidents, making New York City much safer for pedestrians and other motorists.

Since the Red Light Camera program began in December 1993, more than 2 million summonses have been issued. Because the summonses include photographs of the vehicle going through the intersection, very few motorists have contested the summonses. About 10,000 have been found not guilty.

In April 1998, legislation was enacted that authorized the Department of Transportation to install cameras at a total of 50 locations throughout New York City.

Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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Q: What is the Red Light Camera Program?

A: The Red Light Camera Program uses technology that enables us to automatically take high-resolution photographs of vehicles that go through red lights, including close-ups of the license plates. Summonses are issued to the owners of the vehicles, as with parking violations. The photos are included with the summonses. New York City DOT had the first full-time red light photographic enforcement program in the United States. We were the first jurisdiction to send photos to respondents as part of the summons.

Q: Are Red Light Cameras effective in preventing drivers from running red lights?

A: Studies have shown a 40 percent decrease in the total number of incidents of motorists going through red lights at the locations where cameras have been installed. That means fewer accidents, making New York City much safer for pedestrians and other motorists.

Since the Red Light Camera program began in December 1993, more than 2 million summonses have been issued. Because the summonses include photographs of the vehicle going through the intersection, very few motorists have contested the summonses. About 10,000 have been found not guilty.

In April 1998, legislation was enacted that authorized the Department of Transportation to install cameras at a total of 50 locations throughout New York City.

Q: What was the defense for the 10k people that got off I wonder? A: "Hey, that wasn't me driving that day. Must have been my dad or one of my 3 brothers"

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

A: "Hey, that wasn't me driving that day. Must have been my dad or one of my 3 brothers". :lol:

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

Been there. In EXACTLY that senario. Got the picture of me in my Suburban in the mail with a demand for around three hundred bucks. Three trips to court, three half days off work, much, much aggrivation and they dropped it. It is NOT an exercise I'd reccomend to anyone. Some where in the archives here is a long exchange over this particualar episode a while back. :angry:

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

Been there. In EXACTLY that senario. Got the picture of me in my Suburban in the mail with a demand for around three hundred bucks. Three trips to court, three half days off work, much, much aggrivation and they dropped it. It is NOT an exercise I'd reccomend to anyone. Some where in the archives here is a long exchange over this particualar episode a while back. :angry:

Did they have your mug in the photo? If so, was it clear that it was you in the photo?

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?


According to the cop that pulled me over for that exact reason... "Son, you should not pull past the line unless you are clear to make the turn." I said "that was understandable but it does not take into account someone making an illegal left turn from my right. the guy cut across my lane to make a left.." He said. "i've seen worse, have a good day." No ticket...

Give them respect, just dont bend over for them...

Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it!

93 STS 225,000 Miles

99 STS 111,000 Miles

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

Been there. In EXACTLY that senario. Got the picture of me in my Suburban in the mail with a demand for around three hundred bucks. Three trips to court, three half days off work, much, much aggrivation and they dropped it. It is NOT an exercise I'd reccomend to anyone. Some where in the archives here is a long exchange over this particualar episode a while back. :angry:

Did they have your mug in the photo? If so, was it clear that it was you in the photo?

It was a clear picture. However, after I took it up two levels in court and hammered them with the pysichs, mass, accerlation, intertia, timing, braking, timing, timing, timing, the picture became blurry to that judge and she dismissed the case... <_< It was a ROYAL pita.

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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What happens if you are sitting in the middle of the intersection, waiting for oncomming traffic to pass. The light changes, and of coarse 2 or 3 have to beat the yellow, leaving you in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red. I am sure this happened to all of us at one time or another. The camera would see you in the middle of the intersection with the red light making it appear that you are running the light in a still photo, no? How would you prove that you did not run the light?

Been there. In EXACTLY that senario. Got the picture of me in my Suburban in the mail with a demand for around three hundred bucks. Three trips to court, three half days off work, much, much aggrivation and they dropped it. It is NOT an exercise I'd reccomend to anyone. Some where in the archives here is a long exchange over this particualar episode a while back. :angry:

I remember that.

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mikeal1892 Mar 21 2006, 02:10 PM

I got a ticket on my way to Florida right before the state line still in Ga

for 92 in a 70 it was $422. The first one i had in years. But the great state of OHIO does not keep track of out of state tickets . thats a policy I can live with. Michael

I would be cautious about this one as this could have some unintended consequences later on, especially as more and more state DMV's start talking to one another and I might add to those who have drivers licenses from 2 different states. Anyway, not to long ago, a background check was being run on a new prospect when a traffic violation from another state that happened some 7-8 years earlier showed up. Employment was withheld until this issue was resolved, which required travel back to the state where the infraction occurred. Not too many things inflate faster than a disregarded traffic violation.

Just a thought!

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"What Defence did the 10,000 motorists use the got their tickets removed?"

Remember that its NY. The cars were probably stolen. :lol:

That's true

Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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