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Beware of Splenda

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Not to unnecessarily scare anyone, however, there are concerns over the sweetener Splenda and its possible link to health problems.

Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?

Sweet Deceit: Splenda Health Concerns Surface



By James Bowen, M.D.

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Not to unnecessarily scare anyone, however, there are concerns over the sweetener Splenda and its possible link to health problems.

Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?

I'm not terribly interested in someone hawking a scare mongering book. There are too many of them out there.

Here's a site that might interest a few:




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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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Not to unnecessarily scare anyone, however, there are concerns over the sweetener Splenda and its possible link to health problems.

Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?

I'm not terribly interested in someone hawking a scare mongering book. There are too many of them out there.

Here's a site that might interest a few:




I don't get your point?! My point is that a book has been written about Splenda and concern about how safe it is. I also provided two other links, one of which is an article written by a doctor on the topic of Splenda. At any rate, people can investigate Splenda for themselves (as there is plenty of info on this topic) and make their own decision. I have read testimony where Splenda can cause migraine headaches.

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Thanks for posting this MAC, I started using Splenda during the summer to cut down on my sugar intake to try to lose body fat and THEN did some research and found the negative info myself, I stopped using it and started reading lables to cut down on my sugar intake. I now use a smaller spoon to put sugar in my coffee and tea.. Thanks

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The Spenda alerts sound like an early warning of a possible problem that may or may not prove significant in the long run. But, remember the saccharin scare of 1977? I read the paper on bladder cancer in mice, and these mice were force-fed so much saccharin that crystals formed in their urinary tracts and particularly their bladders, and there was enough saccharin in their blood and bodily fluids that they were so sweet that their own mothers wouldn't kiss them. Eventually studies showed no ill effects of saccharin use at reasonable levels. Only aspartame is actually known to have serious health effects, on people with PKU, a rare genetic condition, and those sensitive to its breakdown products due to poor liver or kidney function.

My feeling about artificial sweeteners is that children should not be given them at all unless directed by a physician, that PKU testing be done if any reaction is observed from diet drinks containing NutraSweet (just about all of them right now; avoid diet drinks with children), and use Sweet 'N Low (saccharin) if you worry about it a lot and want to use artificial sweeteners. Kid too fat? Give the kid a good breakfast and cut him/her down on food and sweets.

There is a whole lot of money in artificial sweeteners. Thus there is a lot of chicanery in approval by the FDA, in studies, etc. Makers of competing sweeteners have an interest in other types looking bad, etc.

Remember the don't-eat-eggs-they-will-give-you-heart-attacks thing? It turns out that the big study that got the medical profession telling everybody not to eat more than three eggs a week was funded by the Cereal Institute, and they used dried eggs that were processed in such a way as to drive up serum cholesterol dramatically, as was well-known at the time. So many people were stampeded by that, it took 15 years for the medical profession to back away from it. Now, three eggs a day is the recommended limit for people with normal cholesterol metabolism.

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Thanks for posting this MAC, I started using Splenda during the summer to cut down on my sugar intake to try to lose body fat and THEN did some research and found the negative info myself, I stopped using it and started reading lables to cut down on my sugar intake. I now use a smaller spoon to put sugar in my coffee and tea.. Thanks

I've been a user of Splenda for over a year. I've used it as a substitute for refined sugar in my work coffee. Since hearing about the negative publicity, I've decided to stop using it. I have my suspicions about why I feel under the whether, which has been steadily getting worse. Bottom line is that I'm going to see if I'll notice any difference in the way I feel.

Here is a link concerning Splenda's side effects:

Splenda Sickness


Food and Diet

I'm not advocating anything. I just thought I would bring what others are saying about Splenda to everyone's attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had tried Splenda and stopped using it. While using it I felt horrible depression set in. The sense of dread was well, dreadful. After I stopped using Splenda, the depression and sense of dread disappeared within a few days. Anything with a Chlorine molecule in it can't be good for you, in fact, it's not.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I had tried Splenda and stopped using it. While using it I felt horrible depression set in. The sense of dread was well, dreadful. After I stopped using Splenda, the depression and sense of dread disappeared within a few days. Anything with a Chlorine molecule in it can't be good for you, in fact, it's not.

There is a herbal sweetener called Stevia. However, the FDA doesn't like it and believes it may be unsafe. But the problem with listening to the FDA is that it often approves unsafe drugs and is subject to big money politics. Stevia has been used for hundreds of years in South America and is also used in Japan. Some studies indicate that it can actually be beneficial for those with diabetes as it does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels and regulates blood sugar, and may also increase efficiency of insulin. I don't use Stevia, so I am not advocating its use. I really know little about it but it has been used for many years. It's If you Google "stevia safe" you can research what other say about its safety.

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Your very first link went to this:

Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?

Dear Consumer,

This is Dr. Janet Starr Hull and I have information that exposes the potential health dangers of Splenda®. Are you interested in:

* Avoiding disease and maintaining vibrant health?

* Saving your children from hidden toxins in their food?

* Identifying the cause of vague health symptoms that puzzle your doctor?

* Discovering scientific data (in an easy to read format) about overlooked poisons in your everyday life?

Then you will be interested in my newest book, Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?

The Research

Within my book, I reveal the scientific evidence strongly suggesting the chemical sweetener sucralose (Splenda) may harm your body. Perhaps there is no "free ticket" to eating all the sugar-free products you want without paying a high price physically – even weight gain!

Don’t despair – in Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? I give you plenty of safe alternatives to keep life “sweet.”

I disclose the research documenting the negative effects on the liver, spleen and kidneys of laboratory animals. In addition, I reveal research results of infertility in male rats and gastrointestinal problems in pregnant rats fed Splenda.

The Bitter Truth About Splenda®

Consumers are not being told the entire truth about the long-term dangers of using artificial chemical sweeteners. Have you considered the fact that chemical sweeteners may be at the root of many unexplained disease symptoms that puzzle your doctor?

According to research referenced in the book, "giving sugar-free chemicals to your children or using them during pregnancy may be harmful to a child's emotional and physical maturation and to the normal development of a fetus."

Get A Copy Today

Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? retails for $24.95; however, I am currently featuring the book exclusively on Amazon.com for $18.99 for a limited time. (Ships within 24 hours.) Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? will be available in bookstores within six months.

I am 100% confident you will enjoy this book! All the best in your “chemical-free” journey to health,

- Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Order Option 1

Order An Autographed Copy

* Retail List Price: $24.95

* From Dr. Hull: $18.99


Option 2

Order From Amazon


* Retail List Price: $24.95

* Exclusive Amazon Price: $18.99


Want More?

* Table Of Contents

* Book Excerpts

* Top Seven Reasons To Avoid Splenda®


This is a book HYPE for BS! I will not be ordering an autographed copy.

Have a look at this:


Annual sales of the herbal remedy Ginkgo biloba in the US are at $249

million. It is alleged to prevent memory loss. It doesn’t. In its

first large trial, half of 3,069 volunteers 75 and older were given of

Ginkgo biloba daily, while the other half were given a placebo. They were

assessed for signs of dementia every six months for 6 years. Neither the

patients nor the doctors doing the assessment knew which group patients

were in. The group getting the placebo actually did slightly better,

although the difference was not statistically significant. France is

planning an even larger study. Ginkgo has a lot of company. One after

another, the most popular herbal supplements, ephedra, Echinacea, St.

John’s Wort, have failed in double-blind, placebo controlled studies.

SOURCE: http://www.bobpark.org/

It's important that people pay close attention to reality. Promotional crap is just that: CRAP.

If someone attempts to make a profit by denigrating the truth, an extraordinary amount of evidence should be required. Anecdotal stuff simply doesn't cut it.




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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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