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It sounds like yours may not be operating correctly.  You should feel no "bog" when the traction is engaged.  On mine, I'll hear the ABS pulsing the offending wheel, as I continue to zoom off, with no drop in acceleration rate.  If you're going to replace your computer anyway, it may not be worth it to investigate the behavior of your current T/C system.


Mine does that to. I crowned a hill at WOT and the front end got really light. You would have thought I hit a mud slide it shut down so much. Like Bigfoo said if I nail it from a stop without backing off a little(I've learned how to manipulate it a bit) it will shut down bigtime.

Maybee the newer models are different, but it starts with the brakes and then it will start cutting cylinders as many as 4 If I recall according to Guru. Once traction is restored, the motor will come back to full power.

Bogging down is the perfect description. While i admire the usefullness of TC, I don't think the issue of lost "power" can be argued. Just the way TC operates it is designed to cut power and on dry pavement that translates into loss of forward momentum. If I'm going to race someone from a dead stop and i know it's going to be a close race, you bet I'm going to have the TC dissabled. I've had the TC engage many many times in many different conditions and situations. Not a fan of it but it serves to protect the differential I hear. TC is not the racers friend.... in my oppinion. It is the clumsy drivers friend. :lol::ph34r:

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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If I'm going to race someone from a dead stop and i know it's going to be a close race, you bet I'm going to have the TC dissabled. I've had the TC engage many many times in many different conditions and situations. Not a fan of it but it serves to protect the differential I hear. TC is not the racers friend.... in my oppinion. It is the clumsy drivers friend.

I continue to not understand this logic. If the TCS engages, it means you're spinning tires, and that means you're losing traction with the road, and that means you're losing acceleration, and that means you're losing speed. If you feel the need to disengage the TCS because it keeps intervening, it means you keep spinning the tires...and it means that without it, you'd be putting down smoke instead of a good 1/4 mile time. I guarantee that the TCS keeps the wheel slip rates so much closer to the optimum than you can feel, and attempt to modulate, with the throttle pedal.

It's like trying to turn off ABS because it keeps "getting in the way". If ABS is engaging, it means your tires are sliding on the road, and it's keeping them from doing so. Same deal with the TCS...if it comes on, you know it's saving you from setting there frying a tire and REALLY losing the race.

Where's the little icon for beating a dead horse? :lol:

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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I see we're seeing this from different sides of the fence so to speak.... and that's ok. I'm sure our driving styles are very different and the value we put on the TC. I'm not quite sure if I'm getting my point across so I'll tell a little story and perhaps that will help to illustrate my "problem" with TC.

The light is red and I shift into 1st gear. The light turns green and I put the peddle to the floor. At 5500-6000rpms I shift into 2nd. Just as the shift occurs I can feel a tire just slightly breaking free. In any other car I could make a half second adjustment to correct the problem..... done it many times. I'm sure there are other capable drivers on this board that could as well. So at this point the TC comes in and applies the brakes. This usually lasts for 2-3 seconds but lets just say 2 seconds. During this time my head is leaning forward like someone put on the brakes..... the bogging sensation perhaps. Let me cut to the chase. I've made this same run over and over, on the same days, with TC and without TC. Without the TC I'm 5mph faster, give or take 1-2, at the end line. Almost forgot, every now and then I can get the TC to engage 2nd to 3rd. And if it engages twice on one run...... well you want to talk about a sad finish..... absolutely pitiful. These are just my observations of the TC on my 94.

But like I said in another TC discussion....... I can see the value of TC in that it protects the car. I just don't think it's "smart" enough for real world conditions.

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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Yeah, I yield to your point. I've never had the TCS to engage on a shift, so there's one area our cars differ right there. I guess mine doesn't shift as hard as yours does. I was mostly talking about when at launch. But your point is well taken.

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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But like I said in another TC discussion....... I can see the value of TC in that it protects the car.  I just don't think it's "smart" enough for real world conditions.

I agree 100%. Not to criticize anybodys driving skills, but a good driver can do it better in certain circumstances. The same can be said about ABS. I took a defensive driving course at Mid Ohio where they use Hondas from the factory without ABS as pumping the brakes and modulating the pedal is the best way to get out of a bad situation. That is how I was taught and I have perfected it which has saved me many times. Unfortunately most people just stand on the pedal. Those are the people who need ABS.

TC and ABS are great for the masses who do not have or want to perfect their driving skills and I think that is great, but I would like the opportunity to dissengage these options for those of us that are not running with the crowd. I also understand the potential liability issues with the Manufacturers so it seems to be a catch 22 that we have to work around for now.



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