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New Cadillac radios

Bob D

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Does the radio in your new Cadillac work this way?

A woman bought a new Lexus LS400, and returned the next day, complaining that she couldn't figure out how the radio worked.

The Salesman explained that the radio was voice activated. Watch this!" he said........"Nelson!"

The radio replied, "Ricky or Willie?" "Willie!" he continued....and "On The Road Again" came from the speakers.

The woman drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time she'd say, "Beethoven", she'd get beautiful classical music, and if she said, "Beatles!" she'd get one of their awesome songs.

One day, a couple ran a red light and nearly creamed her new car, but she swerved in time to avoid them.

"A--HOLES!" she yelled.......

The French National Anthem began to play, sung by the Dixie Chicks, accompanied by Jane Fonda and Michael Moore.


'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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I LOVE IT! See this link http://www.fahrenhype911.com/ for MOORE information!

Yes, and don't miss:

"Celsius 41.11 -- The Temperature at Which the Brain Begins to Die" (refutes the lies in Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11.)

Coming soon to theaters near you!!

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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With even more lies undoubtfully.

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan ;)

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so." -

if the "liberal" is replaced with "neocons" applied to how much they knew about, say Iraq's weapons of mass distruction, Ronald Reagan would be absolutely correct :P

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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1994- Terrorists BLOW OUT 4 floors in the World Trade Center

1998 USS COLE BLOWN UP, connections to bin laden

1998 we had the African embassy bombings (marines killed)

To name a few attacks!

Clinton did what? Get a BJ from an INTERN half his age and disgrace the highest office in the country? Sue Microsoft and burst the tech bubble, because MS was getting too BIG? Kill women and children in Waco with tanks? Steal Whitehouse property? That was a real smart bunch, read Dick Morris's books about the Clinton's he was their right hand man and now has no respect them.... Do we really want weakness all over again? Hard decisions are not popular decisions, which is the reason Clinton never made the hard decisions. His excuse is "He did it because he could" (how weak). Do we really want a first Lady Kerry where the words "Scum Bag" rolls off her lips so easily? Kerry, a self proclaimed war criminal, with a four month tour that makes him a war hero and he brags about that in his campaign?, who comes back from NAM, meets with the North Vietnamese, and disparages servicemen still there some of which suffer in prison camps, and throws away medals (oh sorry ribbons, ha)? Sounds like the Clintons all over, he didnt inhale! Whitewater, Travel gate, affairs, They had GREAT CHARACTER didn't they! The DEMS couldn't find anyone better to run than Kerry?

I wonder if a NUKE in Times Square would get anyones attention? We have such short memory's liberals should come to NY and look at the f'n hole in the ground! I personally think the country needs to be awakened more, its a shame it happened in NY, the rest of the country hates NY, maybe Sears Tower, Disney Land or Disney World would have had a greater impact to wake up our ignorance.

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I do not admire Bill Clinton either... nor his wife. Jimmy Carter was a weak president but a decent man and a good Christian. Looks like being a good person and a good president is not the same... Scaring other nations (nearly whole world) is just another way to make them respect us. That's what Mr Putin now teaches Russians. But was it the fear what esed to make nations admire America?

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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There is an old saying, "Walk softly but carry a big stick". If you don't stand up to a bully, he will keep bullying you. There has to come a point where you kick the bullys a**. The US has allowed the bully to bully us during the CLINTON administration, now its payback time. France was on the take, the oil for food was messed up, no wonder they didnt want to join us....

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There is an old saying, "Walk softly but carry a big stick". If you don't stand up to a bully, he will keep bullying you. There has to come a point where you kick the bullys a**. The US has allowed the bully to bully us during the CLINTON administration, now its payback time. France was on the take, the oil for food was messed up, no wonder they didnt want to join us....

True, but only military wise.......we seemed to be happiest during that time....we were bullied but only payed 95cents-1.10 for gasoline.............we just need to figure out how to get the economy of then with the military power of now....the man we have now isnt the answer, who knows if the "other guy" is but there is only one way to find out.

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I do not admire Bill Clinton either... nor his wife. Jimmy Carter was a weak president but a decent man and a good Christian. Looks like being a good person and a good president is not the same... Scaring other nations (nearly whole world) is just another way to make them respect us. That's what Mr Putin now teaches Russians. But was it the fear what esed to make nations admire America?

Ok, one more...

Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U. S. was too strong." - Ronald Reagan

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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BobD, this is an endless argument and this site perhaps is not the best place for political fight. What I believe in is that this great nation deserves a better leadership!

Lets talk spark plugs please

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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There is an old saying, "Walk softly but carry a big stick".  If you don't stand up to a bully, he will keep bullying you.  There has to come a point where you kick the bullys a**.   The US has allowed the bully to bully us during the CLINTON administration, now its payback time.  France was on the take, the oil for food was messed up, no wonder they didnt want to join us....

True, but only military wise.......we seemed to be happiest during that time....we were bullied but only payed 95cents-1.10 for gasoline.............we just need to figure out how to get the economy of then with the military power of now....the man we have now isnt the answer, who knows if the "other guy" is but there is only one way to find out.

We paid $1.00 for gas before CHINA became the US's manufacturer of goods and began to compete for the oil and cause a shortage. Shortage causes an increase in price. In addition the disruption in the middle east has hurt also. Lots of people like to point to the Clinton Administration and say how good the economy was and how the budget was balanced (I have heard differing stories about the budget however), anyway, the INTERNET/TECH boom is what drove the economy (software, hardware, networking, servers, web designers, infrastruture, stock market, Dot.coms, etc) it had nothing to do with Clinton. Kerry in my humble opinion is scary, really scary. Bush needs to focus on domestic issues more and figure out the damage that has been done by NAFTA, WTO, and Outsourcing by Corporations. Simply saying we are in a Global Economy is not good enough!

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BobD, this is an endless argument and this site perhaps is not the best place for political fight. What I believe in is that this great nation deserves a better leadership!

Lets talk spark plugs please

I agree Adallak, you are correct, but an occasional wander can't hurt plus we are being civil.... Watching his circus of campaigning has been difficult and dirty... You are right.... So how are your AC Plugs? Are they made in China :lol: JUST KIDDING.....There I go again.... :lol:

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Ohhh... this is getting good. I must go get my son and 4 buddys from the movie theater and out for pizza...and I will return for a Canadian opinion. If you treat me right.

2001 STS Mettalic Otter Grey, Black Leather, 213,000 kilometers - miles - ? Still running strong!

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I agree Adallak, you are correct, but an occasional wander can't hurt plus we are being civil.... Watching his circus of campaigning has been difficult and dirty... You are right.... So how are your AC Plugs? Are they made in China JUST KIDDING.....There I go again....

:lol: I should have figured out whether ACDelco pro-Bush or pro-Ketchup before installing them... :o Does anybody know? :D

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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Well we can only see what happens......I just hope more of my fellow Floridians vote this year.....but it wont help if they dont count the votes again......the new machines are pretty nice and high tech......senior citizians are gonna go crazy.

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Well we can only see what happens......I just hope more of my fellow Floridians vote this year.....but it wont help if they dont count the votes again......the new machines are pretty nice and high tech......senior citizians are gonna go crazy.

during the Friday's debates I drove to a local bar just to watch locals watching and reacting on the debates... silly me - there were seven TV screens in the bar and all watched the footballgame. I ask several rednecks about debates -NOBODY knew what I was talking about!

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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Adallak, GWB Best Before 11-02-04! That's histerical! I could take that two ways, 1) George W is going to lose and, 2) if he looses, don't take the GWB meaning the George Washington Bridge after 11/2/04, as NYC may not be there if Kerry is elected! :lol::lol::lol:

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>BobD, this is an endless argument and this site perhaps is not the best place for political fight. What I believe in is that this great nation deserves a better leadership!<

Lets talk spark plugs please <

" I should have figured out whether ACDelco pro-Bush or pro-Ketchup before installing them... Does anybody know? "

"during the Friday's debates I drove to a local bar just to watch locals watching and reacting on the debates... silly me - there were seven TV screens in the bar and all watched the footballgame. I ask several rednecks about debates -NOBODY knew what I was talking about! "

Uh....Adallack old boy...you were saying...? :lol::lol::lol:

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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Adallak, GWB Best Before 11-02-04! That's histerical! I could take that two ways, 1) George W is going to lose and, 2) if he looses, don't take the GWB meaning the George Washington Bridge after 11/2/04, as NYC may not be there if Kerry is elected!   

:D Mike, here is the deal:

I protect the both Honesdale bridges during election and you please take care of Geo Washington Bridge since you are much closer to both GWB - the bridge and Laura's husband :lol: (BTW, I like her and do not believe she used to sell cocaine)

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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Let's give the clueless warmongers 4 more years to ship the rest of our economy overseas so we can get down to what's really important to them: getting Americans to think working at Walmart for minimum wage and no benefits is the American Dream...the shrub from Texas (and I use the term loosely) has never had a real job in his entire life unless you count being played by Daddy's friends as work...strength without compassion is brutality and that's exactly what's being visited upon Iraq. If you don't think so, take a look at those people's response to the U.S. presence there...the "coalition" barely includes the Iraqis. And I plan to keep driving my gas guzzler until the last drop of oil is forced at gunpoint from some impoverished backwater where they're naive enough to still think of the U.S. as a democracy...LOL...

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Anyone who watched any part of the presidential debate would have realized that Bush is a TOOL! Not only can the man not defend himself in an argument (debate), but when he tries, he stumbles all over himself and only makes the situation worse. Not to mention the fact that almost every point Kerry made, Bush did not understand and would usually proceed to respond with the answer to a totally different question. This is only one thing Kerry said after Bush was done speaking...."One again, I feel the President has missed the point...ect...ect...). Plus, what about the global warming treaty thing( not exactly sure of the technical name), Bush refused to sign that. Our country produces the vast majority of waste in this world and we can't even sign a stupid piece of paper? Even third world countries signed the darn thing, and some probably don't have any industry anyway! Overall, I think the President has handled himself to the best of his abilities. Unfortunetly, in the global scheme of things, it doesn't seem to be enough. When one of the major allies in the coalition is POLAND!, you know something went wrong. I personally think he should have gone with the swiss army instead, but thats just one man's opinion.

Sorry for the novel, needed to vent. Oh yeah, no offense to those of Polish backround (just trying to make a point) ;)

I was almost caught 'unaware's' by the fact that I forgot to mention he has no grasp on the english language. i.e. "Newkyaler"......hehe :lol:

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