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does anybody know if the northstar has a 180 degree thermostat or what, my engine runs pretty hot in chicago traffic. put a trans cooler in thats suposidly drops the trans temp by 46-56 degrees. but on the digital dash the engine is still at 218-228 degrees. i want to cool that down to about 190-200, any sugestions?

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Well if the AC isn't that important to you or you could care less then hook the fan up to a toggle switch somwhere near your dash. That way when the temp rises you can just turn on the fan when you want. I dunno though.... unless the AC unit has a bad leak most places will recharge the system for a fair price. We have a guy locally here that does it out of the back of his truck for $40-50... no questions asked. I'd look for someone like that.

I'd imagine it gets fairly hot where you are and i sure would miss that AC on certain days. When it's hot and muggy and without AC, the last thing on my mind is how cool my car is or looks.


"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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We have had this discussion in the past. A lower thermostat is not advisable for a lot of reasons, the biggest of which is that the car was designed to have 195 degree stat, and the sensors and computers expect to see a certain temp. I for one have wanted to drop to 180 degrees. However, from what I can see your temp range is normal in summer months don't worry about it, that is direct from our local caddy expert, bbobynski. Do a search and you will be able to find his opinions on this topic. If I recall he mentioned that while it opens at 180 it will not cause a drop in the PEAK temp... Come winter in FRIGID CHICAGO, you will have poor heat which you already know with a 180... I once froze my BUTT off in Chicago in January appraising a square block of land on McClurg Court a few blocks east of Michigan Avenue, it was 20 below and I had a RAINCOAT!!! :ph34r: I bought a bankrobber ski mask! :ph34r:

The reason the individual above suggested to leave the AC on, was because it forces your cooling fans on...... Change your coolant, make sure your cap and stat and hoses are good and drive it! Mike

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