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How many tubes of Bars Leak do I use?


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I am getting ready to change my coolant. I went to Wal-Mart to get some Bars Leak. There were so many different kinds, so I got the kind that looked like powder. It came in a little transparent tube that is about 2-3 inched long. How many tubes of this stuff do I need. Also, where do I pour this stuff in at. The instructions say to pour it right into the coolant tube where you pour the coolant in, but for some reason, I remeber reading something else on here. Thanks for the help!

-Aaron :D

18 Year Old Male

Black 1992 STS 4.9L

90,XXX Miles

Flowmaster 80 series muffler :D

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Hey Aaron... (still have that chip.. ;) Anyway, two tubes is a good number. Make sure it's the Bar's GOLD powder. On the 4.9's you can put it right into the tank as your'e adding the 50/50 green coolant and distilled water. It's the N* system that you need to make sure to avoid the tank, put the Bars (or pellets) right into the bottom hose.

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

Bob D- OOO, the chip ;)^_^:wub:

18 Year Old Male

Black 1992 STS 4.9L

90,XXX Miles

Flowmaster 80 series muffler :D

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