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WOT/Carbon cloud

Va Maddog

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I'm pretty conservative in the way I drive my SLS. I don't always remember to follow B Bob's advice that the Northstar likes to see frequent WOT use. So unless I run into some unusual traffic situation I may only intentionally do a WOT run every few weeks.

I'm just wondering if others see the carbon smoke cloud behind them when they do this? I'm pretty sure that's what it is because I'm not burning oil (at least not more than a typical Northstar will burn) and on subsequent WOT runs there is little smoke.

Those of you who have your foot in it all the time and get 10mpg don't have to reply - lol

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I may only intentionally do a WOT run every few weeks.

I'm just wondering if others see the carbon smoke cloud behind them when they do this?....


Suggest you shorten the interval between WOT events (and enjoy it).


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A yr. or so ago I was driving on the xpressway for a couple of hours at a steady 75 mph. Finally had to really slow for some trucks and when I did WOT 2nd gear from 50 to 80mph. it really blew out the carbon. I keep it pretty clean but it can build up fast. I too was surprised that it had so much cause I did WOT when I got on the xpressway 2 hrs. before.

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I don't due it very often, once a week at the most, but I never notice any clouds. Maybe highway driving keeps it cleaned out more than I think. Before I was aware of this WOT proceedure I never did it and I only had the cold carbon rap about once a year.

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I see a cloud of smoke if I'm just in park and i mash the pedal and let it go up to 5000 rpm or higher.. It's whiteish and it smells bad.. Either I have massive carbon buildup from the previous owner or something is wrong.. I've had the car for many miles and a year or so and I do WOT's all the time.. I would think after a year it would be cleared out but maybe it's not :/ I need one of those little cameras on the end of a wiggly wire so i can shove it down a spark plug hole :)

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Almost any time I'm first car at a go light (and my wife isn't with me) I do a semi-WOT maneuver. It isn't because I'm fanatical about keeping my engine carbon free, I do it because it's fun. :D

I dial up the gas as fast as I can without breaking traction, run 'er up to about 5000 RPM savoring the torque steer as I go, then back off and let 'er shift. About that point, I'm doing about 50 MPH which is fast enough on a suburban boulevard.

I'm not aware of any big carbon clouds coming out of the tail pipe, but I am aware that all the other cars are way back there!

I guess I do this an average of once or twice a day.

As for gas consumption, I'm showing 20.1 average MPG as of this writing.

Cadillacs are to be enjoyed and this is one way I enjoy mine. :rolleyes:


Happiness is owning a Cadillac with no codes.

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I had never heard of the Wide Open Throttle trick untill I had what I thought was a real problem. I was pulling out of an intersection when I saw some idiots in my rear view mirror drag racing right at me. I floored it and a HUGE cloud of black and gray smoke came billowing out of my exhaust. The racers had to slow down because they could not see through the cloud. I thought I had ruined something. I came here to this board and found that I should be doing it often. I now do it every week or so and I do not see any cloud.

If you do this and you see white smoke, you are probably burning a little oil and not cleaning out carbon.

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Personally I think everyone needs a little WOT in their diet. Whether it cleans carbon or not and more likely exercises the rings. Makes for an exhilerating time which helps to justify the expense of upkeep. And that cloud of "dust" at WOT is just good visual effects to let that idiot roaring up on your rear know that you mean business(lol). Just let out a Yeehaaaw! when you do it.

Speaking of "those idiots that roar up on your rearend".... makes me laugh because once I pull over into the right lane they never have the eggs to keep on roaring. It's ok as long as there's a car in front to make them feel safe from officer friendly. I know some of you know what I'm talking about.


"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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