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Weird Electrical Stuff


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When I step on my brakes, my headlights will dim for a second, then kick back to full brightness. I also notice from time to time when I brake it feels as if the power brakes are not as "strong" when I first push the pedal, then after a sec. they work much better... The breke pedal actually seems to be easier to push and stop the car much better. It actually makes it seem when I brake that I am slamming on the brakes when the "power" seems to kick in. The fluid resovoir is full. The other day I got a loss of instrument gauge code... in fact my entire gauge set went out for about a minute... just after I had started my car and drove and hit the brakes for the first time. Any ideas on the problems... the battery is a couple year old and good. I put a multimeter on it and it shows 12.6 with the engine off. Could it be the alternator? I notice on my dash that it shows my battery voltage going anywhere from 12.8 to 14.6 at various times. Sometimes idling at a stop light the voltage will go up and down over the 13 V range. I would think it should be more constant.? I would appreciate anyone with a similar model engine to report the kind of battery voltage their dash will display at various times. See any trends? My idle seems a bit rough too. I notice when I brake at times that my engine idle will drop as low and 450 RPM, and then all of a sudden surge back over 750 RPM... The surge is a bit unnerving when braking. At full stop I seem to idle in the 600-625 range. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

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It's that time of year you know. The gremlins are coming out of hybernation :D Check the battery cables for a good tight ground and/or corrosion under the insulation for starters.

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450 RPM, and then all of a sudden surge back over 750 RPM... The surge is a bit unnerving when braking. At full stop I seem to idle in the 600-625 range

450RPM is definitely low, 600-625 is normal. The voltage you mentioned is normal.

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It sounds like your car needs some work. I think you might have a failing voltage regulator if you have bouncing voltages. You should be about 12 volts with engine off, and about 13-14 with engine on. The voltage regulator is built into the alternator. So you will have to replace the whole alternator. You might also have a failing master cylinder or brake booster. You brake light sounds like some sort of grounding problem. It could be as simple as a wrong bulb installed somewhere, or a maybe a bad relay somewhere. I would start with Paul T's advice and check the battery and body grounds.

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A fully charged battery is 12.6 volts, at 12.4 volts it is only half charged. I'll check the grounds. The lights are originals.... Despite the cars age, it only has 41,000 miles. Here some interesting info if anyone is interested. But this has all been covered on the caddyinfo message boards before. http://www.landiss.com/battery.htm

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