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Great TV commercials...


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Commercials like these might wake up some young people who think it is cute and funny to cause problems and drive like idiots... then again and on second thought nothing wakes up those crazy little goons *sigh*


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I like those commercials. They really show you just HOW QUICK a crash can happen, and how not paying attention when driving can cause problems before you know it.

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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The only problem that I have with these commercials is that they appear to be impacting at a much higher speed than they really are. Vehicles are designed to fold up in the front section upon impact. The damage to the VW's as well as the other cars is minimal at best. They make what probably was a 5mph hit seem like it really was a 30mph hit. A year and a half ago, I was involved in an accident that involved two rear endings (I was the car in front). The two cars behind me, had maximum front damage. The car that hit me only hit me lightly. The rear of my car was barely damaged. The front of both of those cars were destroyed. Now tell me how that VW could broadside that truck, at a speed that seems like 25 mph, and appear to be still driveable. The point gets across, but I feel that it is false advertising.


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did you notice the commercial with the 4 people talking about the movie? the driver stops and over the pass's shoulder you can see the light turn green for the oncoming car. it looks like the VW driver goes right thru a red light.

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