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the epic of my 85 seville

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why AAA is a good thing

so knowing full well what i was getting into when i bought the 'ville, it still irks and disappoints me when bad things happen. it being a 23 year old car, with a motor that has a notorious rep. and it having sat for the better part of two years, i fully expect things to not be 100% all the time. But it's the timing on these things that aren't always the best. the most recent example of this it when it decied to lose spark on me when i was out applying for jobs, so instead of spending the aft



The Slantback

So within the first month of driving the ville i have noticed that there are only two reactions that this certain bodystyle gets. People either love it or hate it. At this point it's been a decent 80/20 split between love/hate. But one thing is for sure they will let you know about it! Granted it's a classic cadillac and being noticed comes with the turf, but it's a new area for me to drive a car that everyone has an opinion of. Honestly it's neat but i really don't want to talk to half the



Pics and a grille!

so finally i as able to get some pictures of my ville up for everyone to enjoy! you can see them at http://photobucket.com/85seville also i was able to track down a replacement grille from a local junkyard (u-wrench-it, not to be confused with u-pull-it.) now replacing the grille won't be as easy as just unbolt, rebolt. the driver side mount are on the half of the grille that is currently in my trunk. the good news is that in this case plastic will save me. i have to do a little Frankensteini



the first 72hrs

i purchsed a 1985 seville from my uncle about three weeks ago. he was the second owner and he had owned it since 1990 when he manged to buy it off of his wife's uncle estate. her uncle bought it new in 85. it only cost me $1200 ( he cut me a deal being family, it was also the second vechile i had bought off the man). the body had about 167,500 miles, the engine had 67,500. he had a remanufactured put in at 100,000 and i have the recipt from the shop that did the work. by 23yr old daily driver st



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