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CaddyInfo Cadillac Forum
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About this blog

Information, How-To, and Discussion about Cadillacs

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Drupal is a content management system. We have a site at http://drupal.caddyinfo.com which I have been using for additional content, to hold images, and details to support posts. A lot of times I'll write the info over there then link it in the forum. The content on the drupal site can be images, static pages, pages which allow multiple users to edit etc. Because the drupal is on a different host than the forum here, we can't use the same login/password automatically. Today I realized that

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Oil changes

Put the CTS up on the jack and jack stands and re-tightened one cat-back pipe connecting sleeve. I have one sleeve that comes loose every several months; the symptom is that the exhaust gets a slightly higher tone. I need to have it welded, or perhaps replace this sleeve, or add in some locktite. Dropped by Walmart and picked up 6L of Mobil 1 5W30. Had to be careful to select between normal Mobil1, high mileage, Truck/SUV, and high-performance (or was it high endurance?). The main difference

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Gallery Updates

Updated the Caddyinfo.com Gallery at http://gallery.caddyinfo.com to the current software version. Added the ability to send images in E-cards. Added shopping cart capability to allow paypal shopping carts. Added the ability to specify watermarks for individual photo uploads.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Drupal Taxonomy ideas

I am working out what Taxonomy to use with our Drupal Content Managment system approach. The taxonomy is the outline for the site, and the classifications that help users to navigate the site. Defining a clear taxonomy helps users read the site, and find the information they are looking for. The main website is organized right now into Forum, How-To, Year by Year articles, Videos, Links, Info from Bruce's Cars, and article highlights. The new taxonomy might be : How-to / Repairs -Modifi

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

I see the DIGG gadget; When Should I DIGG a Topic?

www.digg.com is a site that helps index the internet by allowing Readers to "DIGG" or submit for indexing, webpages that they find useful/interesting/remarkable. First, register at http://www.digg.com so that you can play. Next, if you enjoy CaddyInfo.com, Digg the homepage http://www.caddyinfo.com (there is a gadget there to the lower right). Finally, when you see a nice, stand alone story / Review / Post / New item on CaddyInfo.com that you would like to bring to the attention of Cadillac

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Chat - and then there was 1

Although I liked the Flash Chat interface, the fact that LiveChat is hosted and FlashChat is local means that LiveChat wins on bandwidth. If we use the Chat feature more, and I hope that we do, then I will buy more chat features. The Pro package for the LiveChat requires that I find a Sponsor for the Chat. The nice thing about that sponsorship is that it would have basically a dedicated page for the sponsor there on the chat surround. Several of us had a nice visit in the Caddyinfo.com ch

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

IPB Integration

Looking at what more / better integration we actually need with the various networking sites. Some sites, such as StumbleUpon, operate off a browser tool bar, so Caddyinfo.com does not really need to have a widget to go to them? (Or do we?) I don't think the Digg! widgets are getting much use, but have not been up that long either. Disappointed to see the webpage template was not displaying the corrected style sheet, and fixed that. Now I also see some differences between IE6 and IE7 inter

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Internet Brands grabbing Automotive Forums

http://www.thealarmclock.com/mt/archives/2....html#Permalink QUOTEThe a:c believes we are the first to report that Internet Brands has acquired a number of large automotive forum sites, according to the owner of one of the sites. Interesting; the owner of Vbulletin, one of the popular forum software sets, (not the one we use, which is IPB) is buying up automotive forums. Not clear if this is the beginning of some new marketing play or what. Here is the announcement post from LS1Tech.com, w

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Forum Graphics Update

The new graphics update (skin) design seems to be coming right along. Supporters & Subscribers can see the update preview pics in the Supporter forum. Just some button changes to be done to the design, then it will go off to coding. After a couple or few weeks from coding start we should have our new look in place.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Turning & burning

Just at 33,5k miles in my 2005 CTS, and still enjoying the heck out of it. It is quick, corners well, and fairly economical to drive. Total cost is around $30-40/month more than a Honda Accord EX, which is much less car. I'm watching the new cars arrive, but my Wife will need a new car this year. We have a new driver in the house starting in Jan, then are looking at college costs starting again in a couple years for our son, so my next car may be a lightly used older model (hey, like I hav

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Sharing Caddyinfo.com

One excellent way to help other Cadillac owners to find Caddyinfo.com is to add a link to Caddyinfo.com in your signature on other automotive forums you frequent, (where allowed). This lets other readers know you enjoy this site for Cadillac discussion. We all benefit from our shared knowledge, so more is better. Here is the coding on my signature for an example/model: CODE[font="Arial"]bruce [size=2][url="http://www.caddyinfo.com"]http://www.caddyinfo.com[/url] [img]http://caddyinfo.ipbho

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Profiles as Portals

One of the features of the current code set for the forum is that your profile page (click on your name or on someone else's name) has a lot more useful information on it now. It shows your most recent posts, and blog posts, as well as useful info like when you were last on the forum. It also shows who has visited your profile to find out more info, and who you have indicated are 'friends' of yours on Caddyinfo.com. This is also the place where you can 'RATE' other Caddyinfo Readers. If you fi

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Caddyinfo.com Skin Shopping

I would like to have a new skin done for the Forum so that it a) better matches the site template look, looks better and c) has better integrated buttons and bits with our topic. If anyone has these sort of skills and wants to suggest an IPB 2.3.x skin that would work well please get with me to discuss.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Publishing BLOG entries

After you click Entries and Add and Entry, and you write your entry, and you save it, it is saved as a DRAFT. Once you have reviewed it, please click on Entry Options below that entry and choose PUBLISH. The entry is not visible to all until you publish it. When you save the BLOG entry you can choose to publish it immediately by changing the Adds this Entry as... box selection.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally


Purchased and began integration of Flashchat to our Caddyinfo.com forum. Have the chat links, and the who is chatting working. 5 rooms setup. This chat has built in transcripts, which will hopefully let us capture good info shared in the chat rooms. Please try out the new Flashchat Install and let me know what you think.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally


This post is a Technorati claim code post. By posting code from the Technorati registration their system can validate that I control this blog. Technorati Profile

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

CaddyInfo.com Site History

The roots of Caddyinfo.com began in Feb, 1998 with posts to my ISP (internet service provider) personal pages, and a free message board at beseen.com. The site looked similar to this: http://web.archive.org/web/20010124050200/...t/nunnally/sts/ and the message board to this: http://web.archive.org/web/20010413152037/...ardroom/r/18368 here is another archive capture from 1999: http://web.archive.org/web/19990428061623/...ardroom/r/18368 You can still see the links to the archives from 1998 on

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Classic Review - 2003 CTS

Steve Parker just posted a "classic" car review from 2002? on the 2003 Cadillac CTS. It is an interesting review, as it reminds one of how fresh and important to the Cadillac line the CTS has been. QUOTECadillac has had trouble the past decade or so with cars whose name starts with the letter "C". Think Cimarron (disaster). Catera (off-target, but at least a Euro-style idea). And now, they bring out something called CTS. We can say that the "Curse of the C" is over! The CTS is a winner on almo

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

IPB BLOG updates

The ip.blog is nicely integrated in many ways to the current IPB forum. One way it is NOT well integrated is that new posts to BLOG don't show up as new posts on the forum. This may in fact be designed behavior, as some may prefer that their blog posts NOT show as news. For now I have copied a kludge from http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=199997 and re-imported the BLOG RSS stream as an incoming stream to the News section of the main forum. Then the individual news item

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Call outs

Happy to recognize http://unclealbert.vox.com/ The Curmudgeon's Corner as a BLOG that has a handy link to http://www.caddyinfo.com on the sidebar. Thanks for the traffic.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

CaddyInfo.com Chat Room Sponsor(s) Sought

We have the 'free' version of AddOnChat installed/integrated into the site now. This works so far -- if you have not tried the chat, please click on it to the upper right on the top menu, or here: http://caddyinfo.ipbhost.com/index.php?autocom=chatsigma and try it out. I am planning regular weekly chat occasions, guest speakers in chat, and similar group chat opportunities. What is Chat? The online chat room lets you chat in real time with another Caddyinfo participant. You type, and hit r

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

What the HECK is a BLOG for?

A BLOG, or weblog, is an easy to edit online diary. It can be used to maintain repair and maintenance records of your Cadillac, to keep us up with your offline life, whatever you choose that is appropriate to share. Since each user has a separate BLOG, you can feel free to add details into your BLOG as you might a driver's log book or repair record. BLOGs also are becoming an increasingly popular way for internet users with similar interests to interact and connect. The BLOGs are easy to s

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

Blog Organization

Note that you can drag the different components of your BLOG page to where you prefer them. I put my picture to the left of my text for example. The calendar on the BLOG page is NOT the site event calendar, but shows which days you made BLOG posts. There is a choice when adding an entry to elect to publish it directly and not review in draft form first if you prefer. I will experiment and see what works best for a blog skin; the default one is okay but bland.

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

How to Start a Caddyinfo BLOG

First, be a member of Caddyinfo.com. Next, go to your "My Controls" here: http://caddyinfo.ipbhost.com/index.php?act...rCP&CODE=00 Examine the menu to the left and you should see a section for BLOGs. Choose Create BLOG Fill in name and details on how you prefer your BLOG to be setup. Your BLOG can be a new, hosted BLOG here, or if you have a BLOG already it can be a link to your BLOG somewhere else. From the main forum index, note that the upper right menu now includes "My Blog" Click on "

Bruce Nunnally

Bruce Nunnally

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