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Chat - and then there was 1

Bruce Nunnally


Although I liked the Flash Chat interface, the fact that LiveChat is hosted and FlashChat is local means that LiveChat wins on bandwidth. If we use the Chat feature more, and I hope that we do, then I will buy more chat features. The Pro package for the LiveChat requires that I find a Sponsor for the Chat. The nice thing about that sponsorship is that it would have basically a dedicated page for the sponsor there on the chat surround.

Several of us had a nice visit in the Caddyinfo.com chat room last night (Friday). I am thinking we will try to schedule regular Friday evening drop-in chats. Please let me know if you have ideas for other scheduled chat events.

Caddyinfo.com is actively seeking Supporting Vendors (Site Sponsors) and a Chat Sponsor. Please see http://www.caddyinfo.com/sponsors.htm or click on the top right menu item "Advertise".


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