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CaddyInfo.com Chat Room Sponsor(s) Sought

Bruce Nunnally


We have the 'free' version of AddOnChat installed/integrated into the site now. This works so far -- if you have not tried the chat, please click on it to the upper right on the top menu, or here: http://caddyinfo.ipbhost.com/index.php?autocom=chatsigma and try it out. I am planning regular weekly chat occasions, guest speakers in chat, and similar group chat opportunities.

What is Chat?
The online chat room lets you chat in real time with another Caddyinfo participant. You type, and hit return, and everyone in the chat room can see what you typed. It works similar to Instant Messenger for example.

Why not keep the Free Chat?

Well, that's one way to go. The Free Chat does not have some features that the upgraded chat has however. A key feature I would love to have if we use the chat room much is automatic transcripts of all chats. That way we can preserve the technical chats and post them to the website for archiving. It also would give us a lot better control over the chat space, such as the ability to have a variety of chat rooms within the chat area.

What is the benefit of being the Chat Sponsor?
With the upgraded version, the chat sponsor will get identified on the Chat page, and in the Chat room, as the Chat provider.
This is a great advertising opportunity to participate in an online community.

Who can be the CaddyInfo Chat Sponsor?
I am looking for a Cadillac related business, parts/accessories, or similar automotive sponsor who would be a good fit with our community.

Who to contact to discuss?
Please contact me directly here at http://www.caddyinfo.com to discuss, or reply to the BLOG.


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