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Bloomberg: Cadillac Finally Makes German Luxury Prices Stick

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In the U.S. last month, the Cadillac CTS sold for $54,571 on average, almost as much as the vaunted Mercedes-Benz (DAI:GR) E-Class ($55,788) or the BMW (BMW:GR) 5 Series ($56,284). A year ago the midsize Cadillac was selling for less than $44,000, more than $16,000 less than its German-born rivals. In short, Cadillac buyers aren’t asking for a Detroit discount anymore—they’re forking over the Euro premium.

Read More: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-05-19/cadillac-finally-makes-german-luxury-prices-stick


2023 Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing

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Read more; at the cost of sales. Maybe that is Cadillac's goal; to assert itself premium (in the GM fold), but if market share is in their plan, I see trouble (down the road).

p.s. Don't get me wrong, and I know I bring up 'value' quite often on this forum, I am a Cadillac fan (but I also want to continue to be a Cadillac owner) and 'that' is slipping away (from me). I know I'm redundant (but I do feel, a little bit better, venting).


'25 CT5, '04 Bravada........but still lusting for that '69 Z-28

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