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2000 sts a/c off dim B1321 current

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So I Have A/c Issues And With Summer Approaching I Would Like To Get This Fixed asap. I'm GettingThis Error Dim B1321 Current. Been Doing Research But I'm Not Quite Sure HowTo Move Forward. I've Detached The Panel UnderThe Dash On Passenger Side. Found Out That If I Disconnect The Blue Cable On Th Bcm The ServiCe A/C Display Isn't there AndTheControl Panel AlloWs MeTo Switch A/C On ButAirDoesn't Ge Cold. Sorry For Grammar And Spelling I'm On My Phone. Can AnyOne HelP MeOut What To Do Next. I'mTryingToAvoid Dealer IF Possible. I Do HavE A Background InElectronics.. JustNeed Nudged TheRightDirection. thx

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The module looks like the Driver Interface Module (DIM). B1321 is the low side temperature sensor fault/out of range. The sensor is on the A/C line under the hood - Check to see if it is unplugged. My 2005 Deville service manual does not list a B1321 code for the HVAC so there must have been some changes to the cods from 2000-2005.

'93 Fleetwood Brougham
'05 Deville
'04 Deville
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My service info shows the code.

DTC B1321 A/C Low Side Temperature Sensor Fault

The A/C low side temperature sensor is a thermistor that controls signal voltage to the Dash Integration Module (DIM). The DIM supplies voltage on circuit 731. When the sensor is cold, the resistance is high and the DIM will sense a high signal voltage at terminal A7, connector C2. When the sensor warms, resistance is reduced and the signal voltage is pulled low through circuit 470. Signal voltage will vary from 5 V (open circuit) to 0 V (short circuit).


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