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Radar Detectors

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Seems like a lot of you guys like to drive fast, nothing wrong with that. However, it's a great benefit to have a radar detector with you. I myself have gone through three radar detector's and am now on my fourth, a Beltronics Vector 940. I'm very happy with it, although it's not as good as my friends Escort 9500i. I've also found Cobra to be all around bad, one of which sucked so much I returned it and the other broke after two months. Generally speaking I've heard the top three to be Escort, Beltronics and Valentine One. I wouldn't say it's a godsend, as you need to use your eye's and ear's, but it's definitely a viable asset on the road.

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Seems like a lot of you guys like to drive fast, nothing wrong with that. However, it's a great benefit to have a radar detector with you. I myself have gone through three radar detector's and am now on my fourth, a Beltronics Vector 940. I'm very happy with it, although it's not as good as my friends Escort 9500i. I've also found Cobra to be all around bad, one of which sucked so much I returned it and the other broke after two months. Generally speaking I've heard the top three to be Escort, Beltronics and Valentine One. I wouldn't say it's a godsend, as you need to use your eye's and ear's, but it's definitely a viable asset on the road.


I use a Beltronics Pro RX65. Not cheap, but it has more than paid for itself time and time again. The only one that "MAY" be better, and I emphasize "MAY"... is the Valentine 1. I have not owned a V1 so really can't compare the two. I really do like the Pro RX65. I had a Vector 9something a few years ago. I don't think it was as good as the RX65.

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Whew, Thats one of the really nice premium one's you've got there, second only to the STI series. The Vector 940 is more of an entry-level to the premium Detectors I suppose, but it's great for around town, good on the Highway too, but it does have misfalls. You must pick up a lot less garbage on your's though.

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Whew, Thats one of the really nice premium one's you've got there, second only to the STI series. The Vector 940 is more of an entry-level to the premium Detectors I suppose, but it's great for around town, good on the Highway too, but it does have misfalls. You must pick up a lot less garbage on your's though.

Thanks, I really like it.

It picks up some garbage, not a lot. I would rather slow down 20 times and not need to, than "NOT" slow down the one time I "DID" need to. :D

As I said earlier, it has paid for itself many times. The only fault with a radar detector, is they can't forewarn you of the newer LASER guns the cops are using. More and more departments are getting the laser type of speed gun. The cop don't pull the trigger till you are within range. When he does... your detector will scream "LASER...LASER...LASER.... but by then it is too late. :huh: He got you.

I need to get one for my van that I drive for work. I drive it a lot more than I do the Cadillac. I sometimes take the one from the Cadillac and put it in my van, but thats a lot of trouble, changing them back and forth all the time.

Some of the freeways here in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, change speed limits as you go from one suburb to the next. In one area it may be 65 or even 70. As you go into the next suburb's city limit, it may change to 55. The cops know it and wait for someone to come thru not paying enough attention. It is a BIG revenue generator for them.

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I have always had escort's.

Use the 8500 I bought a few years ago. Don't speed alot but nice to know when there is radar around.

Agreed. It is always better to KNOW. :D Even if you are not speeding.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On a side note, I just ordered a Direct Wire for my Radar detector so that I can free up my Cigarette lighter for my new Pharos' PK132 GPS Pocket PC navigation kit. How ought I go about installing this direct wire?

If you have an overhead console, you may be able to hard wire it to the hot wire that feeds the overhead interior lights. That way the wires will be inside the overhead console all the way to the top of the windshield. That would make it a nice neat installation.

The radar detector doen't pull much juice, so it shouldn't overload the wiring or anything like that.

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On a side note, I just ordered a Direct Wire for my Radar detector so that I can free up my Cigarette lighter for my new Pharos' PK132 GPS Pocket PC navigation kit. How ought I go about installing this direct wire?

If you have an overhead console, you may be able to hard wire it to the hot wire that feeds the overhead interior lights. That way the wires will be inside the overhead console all the way to the top of the windshield. That would make it a nice neat installation.

The radar detector doen't pull much juice, so it shouldn't overload the wiring or anything like that.

If what you are referring to is the power source to the Garage door opener on the ceiling then I indeed do have an overhead console. I'll see the best way to wire this as UPS just dropped off the package.

Edit: Package is actually not the direct wire at all, but rather business papers. I didn't check it well enough, haha. I guess I'll look for spots while I wait for it.

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Is there any way to run the Direct Wire to the fuse box in the trunk without going outside of the car? It seems like that's where I'll have to plug it into.

Check out

if you like, it seems to explain the process fairly well, although it would seem as the fuse box on that car is very conveniently located.
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