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The write ups will always be good. They are self serving. I would consider it more snake oil. If your temp are fluctuating, check the thermostat, clean the radiator fins, flush the radiator if necassary.

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Temperature fluctuations are completely normal with a transverse FWD powertrain like ours. The electric fans will come on only when necessary (with A/C or with hot coolant temperatures). On mild days such as these in the fall, the electric fans probably won't ever come on, if you're not running the A/C. The coolant will warm up when stopped (no airflow across the radiator), and will cool down when moving. But the fans WILL come on when the coolant temperature rises past about 220-225*F. Then the fans will cool the engine back down. Coolant temperatures are only dangerous in the 245-255*F range.

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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The write ups will always be good. They are self serving. I would consider it more snake oil.

Yep, snake oil! If your engine is running properly, you don't need it. If your engine is NOT running properly, it won't help.

There is NO magic-in-a-bottle that will fix your blown head gaskets, grow hair on top of your bald pate, add 20 more hp, cure *every* disease known to man or clean your fuel filter while you sleep.

If you could peel-and-stick some silly 2 cent thing in the battery compartment of your cell phone that would extend its range (as advertised), don't you think cell phone manufacturers would put one there? They don't.

Should GM find a "magic-elixir," it will be found in your factory delivered car along with a recommendation to continue using it. It's not.

These ads are simply a way of separating you from your money.



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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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I agree,

I think watter wetter does help transfer heat in or out of the water from or to the metal but I think it is for nudnicks who want the car to sit on 180F all of the time,

You know the type- they take out their thermostat and spend years trying to fix a whole pile of "problems they're having with their car"


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