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It's fixed!


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That fixed it.

15 mile 2007 DTS factory wheel and tire takeoffs. I could tell 20 feet out of the driveway the car was fixed.

Went out on highway, no more shimmy or shake.

From Schram Auto parts in Michigan. $1000 shipped.

Bonus, I was expecting Continental tires, got Michelins MXV4's.


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Most people would not consider my 2 wheels to be bent. More like at the upper limits of a acceptable wheel.

No. Its the pre-screened Michelins, GM mount and balance that fixed it.

Actually kind of drives like a Cadillac.

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Thank you for confirming what I've been saying for about 3 years. I'd just like to know why it is that we can't get round tires from a good reputable tire dealer, or a Cadillac service department. I've got my own theory on that, and it has nothing to do with ALL the good tires going to the factory.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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JohnnyG- I agree. I am now convinced you cannot buy 4 good tires in the aftermarket. All the OEM's get the good stuff....








17 milion car market. They all want 'good' tires. Have too.

The scraps are sent off to tire dealers.

This 175K Deville now drives like it has 20K.

This car has had Michelins in the past. Nothing like these factory ones. Not even close.

It was a gamble and it was a test. The 15 mile take offs were about the same price the local Cadillac dealer wanted just for screened tires + TN tax. The 15 mile tire/wheel take offs DID come with a 30 day return policy. I would have to pay shipping. But, I had a way out if disaster came.

I was not convinced the dealer would be able to road force the tires correctly. A year ago I had maybe 3 Hunters available in my area. Now every local dealer has one.

Kind of hard to test right now, as TS Fay passes by. No doubt in my mind these tires are much better than anything you can buy from a tire store.

I have put more miles on these tires today then the original parts cars. Plus I like the updated look of the wheels. Makes the car look 5 years newer at a glance..

Maybe the theory is..You cannot find 4 good tires for your car, you've tried a couple of times, you end up hating the car, Screw it, I'm getting a new car.

Thats good business if your in the tire business. Tire maker wins, OEM's wins, Consumer looses. Repeat.

Warning!!!! Lots of OEM take offs on eBay. Most of them have had the bead broken to remove the tire pressure sensor. *You dont want those. Breaking the bead can ruin the side wall. That can ruin a tire just that fast and screw the factory balance up. Breaking the bead the tire looses 3/4 of it's value.

You want untouched, takeoffs, with pressure sensors intact. Untouched. No if's, and, or buts about it.

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