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Parting out 1994 SLS

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I am looking for the following bits and pieces for my '94 Eldo - Polo Green/Neutral:

Set of 4 OEM speakers (complete with amps and enclosures) for my basic Delco audio system with cassette player but no CD player.

A remote, trunk mounted, CD player was available for '94 Cadillacs as a dealer-installed option. If you have one of these, I would be interested.


If you have console-mounted OEM audio system with a CD player I would be interested if the price is right.

Remote keyless entry fob

Driver's door remote mirror control switch (Mine goes up, down, and left, but not right.)

Driver's side seat bottom cushion cover -The front panel (where my knees rest) has deep surface cracking and looks pretty shabby. If yours is in better shape, I would be interested. I think the covers slip over the cushion padding and attach to the seat frame at the bottom with plastic clips. They should be fairly easy to remove. If your driver's side seat cover is in bad shape, how about the passenger side? I think the covers are interchangable but we would need to make sure.

If you decide to part the car out, let me know how much you want for these items. All this assumes they are interchanceable with the Eldorado (my guess is they are) and that they are in good order.


Happiness is owning a Cadillac with no codes.

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MAN! you have US loyal Caddy fans in competition with E BAY? I'm not too sure about this. How a bout you list all the parts that are good that you want to see with prices and we will barter from there? MC

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