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shift bezel


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Hi all I am looking for a wood shift bezel with heated seat controls from a 1996-1997 Eldorado, Seville, or Deville. Must be console shift. If I remember correctly the ashtray and cover is part of the bezel

I had one in my Eldorado and am now kicking myself because My SLS has a plastic bezel.

I would so highly appreciate it if someone could find one, Willing to trade one of my items for sale for this bezel

Below is 3 pictures to give an idea





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You might try one of the online recyclers like LKQ or Yancy, but they may be reluctant to sell it without the console. I picked up a DTS console to install in my DHS from Yancy for $100 complete.

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for the right dal I would most definately purchase the whole console also. I have been looking to convert my Deville to buckets and therefore would need a donor console anyway. But neither are easy to find, especially thanks to cash for clunkers, makes me so mad, I dont know if I am more mad at the people that contributed or the people who created it


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You are going to have a hard time doing that to a pre-2000 Deville as there are no donner cars. In my case the Devilles came with a console in the DTS so it was not too hard. Pretty much plug n play except for some wiring and shift cable mods.

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unrelated but they did have console shift Devilles in 96 -1999, very rare, but do exist, has the interior of the Seville with captains buckets, Last one I saw was a 97 Deelegance. It was so nice I almost drooled. Very nice, It was a clunkers.


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Well I did good today except for one mistake, I pulled the bezel from a deville and that means that the heated seat switches are on the seats instead of the bezel, So I can use the ashtray part but am undecided on whether I want to try to modify a perfectly good bezel for the switches. I think I am just going to wait and see if I can find another. here are a few pics of what I got




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? maybe you are confused with my post I am changing out the bezel on my 97 seville, the grey plastic one looks terrible to me when I know there is optional wood bezel, but i was unable to locate one with heated seat switches that I need


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I have issues, I guess you could say I am a class feature nut. Oh well lol, it pays in the end


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