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aftermarket rotors

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What do you guys think of aftermarket break rotors? The local parts house has them for about a third of the cost from the dealer! Is there a GOOD reason for that price? I drive quite conserivitively and have not yet even tested the ABS. I used aftermarket rotors on my MB in the past and they were ok. I think that I will still use dealer pads.

Thanks Ed


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Attack of the SLS! Noooooo

Anyway, I have head no complaints about Autozone type rotors. Everyone I know who put them on their Caddy thought they were as good as stock. Personally I went the other direction and got cross drilled performance rotors for my Deville. Every time I hit the brakes I am happy I got them, though they were about $125/ea. They also look much better if you plan on getting larger rims later on. I have 18s on mine and with the painted calipers they look great. If you are sticking with stock the cheaper ones are probably best.

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First I have to say that caddy of yours looks sharp. Can tell you baby it. Since you have a very "easy" driving style and haven't even triggered the ABS, you could probably get away with most after market rotors and be pleased. Once again, great looking car.


"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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Why are you replacing the rotors? Are they worn to the discard dimension or are you experiencing pedal roughness/pulsing?

If it's just pulsation/roughness, just have them turned to clean them up and reinstall them.

'93 Fleetwood Brougham
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