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Won't start!


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My 2000 STS w/74 k failed to start twice today. On both occasions I had turned it off for no more than 10 minutes. When I tried to start, all power was on - radio, seats, blower, etc. but not a peep from the starter. The first time I just kept trying it until it finally started; but the second time, that didn't work. I finally opened the door and slammed it and it started right up. Voltage was 14.1 volts.

I'm going to take it to the dealer tomorrow but I hate to because you know how it is to get something fixed if it's functioning properly when you take it in.

Any ideas?

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probaly bad ignition switch.. does the 2000 have an 'electronic' starter ?

As in.. it's triggered by the pcm and not by you turining the key? Other things is it might not have been all the way in park or something simple like that.

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i'll throw my .02 cents in and go with the battery cables being loose or corroded...possible the ground straps? jackg 90seville 94k

I'd definitely check these first.



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OK Guys! You're not going to believe this! The car started fine all morning and I really hated to take it to the dealer as you know how hard it is to get something like this fixed when it won't malfunction at the dealership. Well, I finally decided to take it in. I pulled into the garage and turned it off. Told the service writer my problem and when he got in IT WOULDN"T START! Nothing they did would get it to start and they had to PUSH it into the garage. Turned out there was a code for ignition switch. They replaced that and I'm back in business (I hope). Can't tell you how surprised I was when it malfunctioned for them as well as me!

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NICEEEEEEE .. I'm glad they got in and it didn't start. I hate lookin like a fool when I take something in for warranty and they tell me there's no problem when I know there is. I buy cars right as they go out of warranty, usually with 5000 miles or less left on it, and then I beat the crap out of the car and find all the problems and stand on top of the dealers head until they fix everything I want.. I've had good luck doing this, while also never spending a ton on cars :>

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You lucked out on that one, Dasher. Anytime I get within a block of the Dealership, all my cars run perfectly. It's like they want to make a fool out of me in front of the service writer. I'll say something like the (insert option) doesn't work. The service guy will get in my car, flip the switch and wa laa, it will work. Then I'll say something like, well, it hasn't worked for the last few days and didn't work till I pulled into your drive. Then they think I'm nuts. lol



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