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Hey all. hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend. Last time i posted it was about an oil light and you guys hit the nail on the head. again, i thank you for that. now to the next issue. when i accelerate the engine whether in park or driving, there is a knocking noise comming from the engine. the service engive light is also on so i ran the codes. the only current codes were

pcm p0300 and tcs c1285

any ideas?

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DTC P0300 is engine misfire.

Check plug wires..coil contacts...plugs..etc .. etc.

DTC C1285 Lateral Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Malfunction.

Sorry, but I don't know where to start on this one.

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DTC P0300 is engine misfire.

Check plug wires..coil contacts...plugs..etc .. etc.

DTC C1285 Lateral Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Malfunction.

Sorry, but I don't know where to start on this one.

is it possible that the plugs, wires, etc is responsible for the knocking of the engine when it is reved?

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DTC P0300 is engine misfire.

Check plug wires..coil contacts...plugs..etc .. etc.

DTC C1285 Lateral Accelerometer Sensor Circuit Malfunction.

Sorry, but I don't know where to start on this one.

is it possible that the plugs, wires, etc is responsible for the knocking of the engine when it is reved?

It is possible, depending on what kind of knock it is.

How high are you revving it? What RPM?

When is the last time that plugs and wires were changed?

If you have had detonation...one of the plugs could be damaged on the end that goes into the head.

Check the wires and insure that none of them are actually TOUCHING EACH OTHER when they are running parallel to each other.

Look at the plug wires and see if any are damaged..ie..cut, broken, old and cracked..etc.etc.

Make sure they are actually ON THE PLUG good. :D

Check the coil contacts for any corrosion.

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