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Seat Filters


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I have search for this and only found one item but no real answer for it So I will ask again.

Has anyone here ever replaced the air filters in the seats on there 05 Deville DTS?

as my car is comming up on the 4 yr mark and It has 46K on the clock I belive that they need to be replaced at 50K?

I think they tell you to replace the cabin seats and reg air filter all at this time but it did not tell you how to do the seats and I really do not want to send the car to a dealer if this isa DIY job. I know the cabin filter is just up front the windshield n the pass side just under the hood and the reg filter just off the noise in the big black box but were are the seats?

Can someone please post how to replace them and have pictures of it Please



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OHH NOOOO! Not another filter! I'm sure they put this one in an impossible to reach spot.......just when I thought I was on Easy Street!

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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Seat Filters? Are they to alleviate the results from too much beer and bratwurst? :blush:
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Well this question got alot of help I still don't know if I need to get robbed or if I can fix it myself I guess that I'll have to look for a sevice manuel for the 05 to find out the answer to this question

I'm sorry about the flippant remark, but since I had never heard of "seat filters" before, I just had to comment.

Can you describe what the filters are for?

We used to maintain an aircraft that used a Tampax for a filter for the windshields in a certain make of pressurized turbo prop aircraft. According to the FAA, it had to have the planes manufacturer's P/N on the wrapper to be legal. The price, if I remember correctly was around $26.00 (several years ago). I think that the identical item could be bought for around fifty cents or less.

As for your problem, I am at a loss.The filter could be a proprietary item, or it could be a Tampax, repackaged to cost big bucks.

I would suggest buying a filter and then look the seat over to see how it is utilized. You may surprise yourself.

Take Care & Good Luck!!


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No problem with your joke I thought it was funny mine was meant to be funny toungr in cheeck but after reading it again I think I miss the boat and had to swim for it,

My seats are heated and cooled seats they use force air for this both neat and the AC part there for there is a filter in the seat both bottom and back part of seat the owners man tells you that you should change them out around 20k and again at 50k service just like the cabin air filter needs to be change out at 50k. As I purchased my DTS in 06 and it is a 05 it had 31k on the clock so I do not know if the filters were replaced or not.

So the above question if its just pop out old filter and slid in new ones then why pay dealer labor cost for some thing that would take 1 hour tops to do.

and just maybe they filter out all the beans that we had for dinner last night to.


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Well I looked under my seat today, sure enough there's another filter. Just one though. It is rather small, and I'd say that you could easily tell if it needs to be replaced just by looking at it. It is on the intake of the seat blower motor. Best way to get to it is from the front of the seat....just raise the front as far as it will go, move the seat back as far as it will go, then in true Caddy tradition, stand on your head with the smallest TORX driver you can find!

The only truly dissapointing thing for me when examining this were the words "made in China" proudly displayed on the sticker attached to the blower assembly!

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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The only truly dissapointing thing for me when examining this were the words "made in China" proudly displayed on the sticker attached to the blower assembly!

It is probably painted with lead paint and the filter has some asbestos in it. <_<:o:rolleyes:

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