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Nuclear Explosion Occurred Near Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake, Expert Says

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Nuclear Explosion Occurred Near Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake, Expert Says

By Wu Weilin

Epoch Times Staff


Boxun News, a Chinese-language Web site based outside China, reported that an unnamed expert has claimed that there was a nuclear explosion near the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake, based on witness reports and the discovery of concrete rubble believed to have come from an underground military installation. The news of this nuclear explosion has raised questions about the cause of the earthquake.

Mr. He, a local resident, stated that when the earthquake occurred on May 12, people saw something erupt from the top of a mountain next to the valley, "It looked like toothpaste being squeezed out," said He. "No, it wasn't [magma]. It was these concrete pieces. The eruption lasted about three minutes."

According to a China News Services (CNS) report on May 31, 2008, paramedics from People's Liberation Army (PLA) hospitals and psychologists from Beijing onsite May 23 found concrete debris at the bottom of a valley near the epicenter. The half-mile-wide valley was covered with debris 10 - 20 inches thick, covering the valley floor for almost 1.5 miles.

No major construction was occurring in the area at the time of the earthquake.

The thickness of the concrete pieces seemed to match that used in China's underground military bases, according to Boxun's expert. He explained that while there are documented cases that earthquakes cause volcanic eruptions, there are no accounts of eruptions ejecting concrete.

Based on the CNS report and timing of the eruption at the scene, there seemed to be no evidence of natural volcanic activity. The expert stated he was certain a nuclear explosion shattered the underground concrete structures, hurling debris into the air.

At least one of China's nuclear military bases is located in Mianyang City, Sichuan, near the epicenter.

Chinese Internet surfers commented that right after the quake military Special Forces blocked traffic heading toward the epicenter on the mountain, and men in white chemical protective clothing in military vehicles were also spotted driving toward the mountain. Rescue personnel near the epicenter were all military, according to witnesses.

The expert believes the nuclear explosion was not confined to the underground test area and has caused radiation contamination, stating that in a call to Beijing he recommended authorities accept help from other countries, seal the area, find and provide help to those who had been exposed to contamination during the rescue work, and take emergency measures to prevent water contamination.

The expert believes that the nuclear explosion caused the recent 8.0 magnitude Sichuan earthquake in China. However, other experts referenced by Boxun withheld judgment as to whether the explosion caused the earthquake or the earthquake the explosion.

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Nuclear Explosion Occurred Near Epicenter of the Sichuan Earthquake, Expert Says

By Wu Weilin

Epoch Times Staff


Boxun News, a Chinese-language Web site based outside China, reported that an unnamed expert has claimed that there was a nuclear explosion near the epicenter of the Sichuan earthquake, based on witness reports and the discovery of concrete rubble believed to have come from an underground military installation. The news of this nuclear explosion has raised questions about the cause of the earthquake.

Mr. He, a local resident, stated that when the earthquake occurred on May 12, people saw something erupt from the top of a mountain next to the valley, "It looked like toothpaste being squeezed out," said He. "No, it wasn't [magma]. It was these concrete pieces. The eruption lasted about three minutes."

According to a China News Services (CNS) report on May 31, 2008, paramedics from People's Liberation Army (PLA)

I'm hospitals and psychologists from Beijing onsite May 23 found concrete debris at the bottom of a valley near the epicenter. The half-mile-wide valley was covered with debris 10 - 20 inches thick, covering the valley floor for almost 1.5 miles.

No major construction was occurring in the area at the time of the earthquake.

The thickness of the concrete pieces seemed to match that used in China's underground military bases, according to Boxun's expert. He explained that while there are documented cases that earthquakes cause volcanic eruptions, there are no accounts of eruptions ejecting concrete.

Based on the CNS report and timing of the eruption at the scene, there seemed to be no evidence of natural volcanic activity. The expert stated he was certain a nuclear explosion shattered the underground concrete structures, hurling debris into the air.

At least one of China's nuclear military bases is located in Mianyang City, Sichuan, near the epicenter.

Chinese Internet surfers commented that right after the quake military Special Forces blocked traffic heading toward the epicenter on the mountain, and men in white chemical protective clothing in military vehicles were also spotted driving toward the mountain. Rescue personnel near the epicenter were all military, according to witnesses.

The expert believes the nuclear explosion was not confined to the underground test area and has caused radiation contamination, stating that in a call to Beijing he recommended authorities accept help from other countries, seal the area, find and provide help to those who had been exposed to contamination during the rescue work, and take emergency measures to prevent water contamination.

The expert believes that the nuclear explosion caused the recent 8.0 magnitude Sichuan earthquake in China. However, other experts referenced by Boxun withheld judgment as to whether the explosion caused the earthquake or the earthquake the explosion.

I'm curious as to why radiation sensors around the world didn't pick up any radiation in the atmosphere. When Chernobyl went into meltdown every sensor around Europe sounded the alarm and sensors around the world also reacted a short while later. A nuclear weapon exploding would also set off sensors.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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The largest explosion that would be set off by full detonation of a tactical nuclear weapon is about 25 megatons. This energy is dwarfed by the energy of the earthquake itself. Thus such a nuclear explosion could possibly trigger an earthquake that was going to happen within a few hours without it, but that's about it. The aftershocks show that the earthquake itself released a minority of the energy of the total of the quake and its aftershocks, which were all along the fault line that ruptured and not geographically consistent with a single or even a chain of underground facilities.

The earthquake could have caused a catastrophic cave-in or other destruction in an underground facility, and the "snake" of debris coming from an air vent could be a result. If such a debris stream came from an area where there had been a nuclear explosion, radioactive monitoring would pick it up, as Marika says.

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So, unless there's a blackout regarding detection of radiation it would seem there is no evidence suggesting a nuclear explosion.

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So, unless there's a blackout regarding detection of radiation it would seem there is no evidence suggesting a nuclear explosion.

It's highly unlikely that the detection of airborne radiation could be blacked out. Radiation moves very quickly through the atmosphere.

When Chernobyl blew up, it took a mere 48 hours for the radiation to reach the Bavarian regions of Germany (southern Germany), along with Italy and France, with radiation detectors sounding the alarm immediately though these three countries didn't at first know what it was that caused the detectors to react. In typical soviet style, the Kremlin wasn't even notified of what happened until 72 hours after the disaster. The Kremlin was receiving telephone calls from all over Europe asking what the heck was going on but no one had an answer. United States spy satellites at that point were sent over the USSR and the Ukraine and that's when images were sent back to the USA showing that tower number 4 at Chernobyl was totally destroyed and on fire. Gorbachev had to send in the KGB to find out what the hell was going on. After that, Hans Blix (the weapons inspector) was sent in and the United Nations was notified. Then the clean up began which ultimately left thousands of men dead from radiation poisoning.

Someone in a nearby nation would have noticed something by now if that Chinese earthquake was caused by a nuclear "accident" or vice a versa.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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