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Front License Plate Cover


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Hi All,

Anyone have any idea where I can buy a used front license plate cover for a Deville DTS?

("Blue Chip" preferred, but can repaint)

I may be moving to Florida, which does not require a front license plate.

31 of the 50 states require a front license plate, so you would think there would be a lot

of these on e-Bay, but I've only found a couple for a STS.

The DTS cover is different from other Devilles as it has the grille ribs in it.

Thanks for any info,

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Yeap...you would think..they are different.

Plenty of standard Devilles ones available online...

Found mine on eBay. $15.

Lots of Devilles...very few DTS ones...I know...been there..

Keep searching.

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