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Cold weather steering stiffness


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We have been getting constant 10 to 20 degree weather and WE are getting used to it. I notice however that my Deville is stiff and sluggish especially turning the steering wheel . I bought this up about a month ago, but I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing any cold weather problems, especially the steering. I noticed a post below where they recommended a rack and pinion flush, is that standard service?

One more thing, I had not checked my tire pressure since I owned the car. Since the temp has been low I checked the pressure to my surprise my front tires were at 40 to 44 and my rear tires were 32, odd..... Now I know why it takes bumps like a truck in the front. :o

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I just returned from a snowmobiling trip to northern Wisconsin. The temps were -15F to -20F and I did not notice any steering stifness. I did notice the tumblers a bit stiff when inserting the key and the column shift was VERY stiff. I'd like to figure a way to lube that but don't want to get into the column.

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Last time I experienced a stiff steering column in the winter was when my 1983 Chevy Celebrity needed a new rack. Something to look into.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I had a stiffness in my car at startup on cold mornings and as I drove it would become irregular. As I turned the wheel it would go from stiff to loose to stiff, then go away. I took it in to the dealer and they replaced my intermiedate shaft and replaced the ps pump.

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HMMM you may be on to something..... I am getting a groan up front, and it DOES sound like a hydraulic whine now that I think about it, I had assumed that it was the AC bearing...... Thanks for all the info guys!

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My '95 etc was stiff (ie no assist) at idle, regardless of the ambient temp. Was worried that it would need a new rack but I replaced the p/steering pump and that fixed it (maybe cause my fingers were crossed.

Of course you can't know it's temperature related until the weather warms up and it goes away ... or not.


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