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Aurora's parking lights won't go out

STS Scott

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My other car, a 97 aurora, developed a problem last night with the lighting system.

The parking lights stay on, even after its turned off, an let sit for a while.

I had to unplug the battery so I could at least drive it in the morning.

I am assuming the problem lies in the twilight sentenel?

Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem is?


" ...'took my Cobra down t' the track, hitched to the back o' my Cadillac..."

- Jan & Dean, 'hey little cobra'


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Yep, the Auroras have the delay, thats what the twilight sentenel is, isn't it? (or is that what turns the lights on at night?)

Anyway, the lights stayed on much longer than three minutes...as in as long as an hour...berfore I cut the juice.

Any other thoughts?

" ...'took my Cobra down t' the track, hitched to the back o' my Cadillac..."

- Jan & Dean, 'hey little cobra'


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Yes, twilight sentinal is what turns the lights on at night but it also has a delay feature built in for how long you want the lights to stay on after the car is shut down (10sec - 3 min). Perhaps your delay feature has gone south.

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