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Life Changing Event

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I had a life changing experience today..., ( due to a motivational class)

If Bruce decides it is irrelevent,..so be be it (thats not in my my control)

If you have children under 18 years of age you should read this...

The average American spends 7 minutes a week speaking individually to their child... (we give total stranegrs more attention)

Spend no more than 5 minutes a day talking to each of your children privately,...and see what happens..

I did this today and the response from my child was amazing...

I will do this forever...

We may even talk about my STS with 165K miles....


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I must be a nut case, then. I spend way more than 5 minutes a day talking to my little dogs..!!! They pay rapt attention and then lick me. LOL (no kids)

Good for you Bob, ....did you this with your kids ??? (....if the question is appropriate)

I'm not looking for responses, only thoughts, (...and actions...)

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I have four sons (all over 18 now) but if you were to ask them, I'll bet they got real tired of me ranting on 'dad stuff'.' But the point is well taken, really listening is what matters.

Like in Guru's house, my pooch has become the great listener... ;)

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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I have four sons (all over 18 now) but if you were to ask them, I'll bet they got real tired of me ranting on 'dad stuff'.' But the point is well taken, really listening is what matters.

Like in Guru's house, my pooch has become the great listener... ;)

I applaud you, ... four sons would be an admirable challenge to anyone,...I will not live the experience you have gone through, ...but know you are wiser than me, ....for no other reason than you have lived it ...

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I have two cats, no children.

Since one is Siamese (the great talker) and the other is a Russian Blue (another leader in the gabfest department), and I talk to myself all the time, this is a very talkative household.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Since one is Siamese (the great talker) and the other is a Russian Blue (another leader in the gabfest department), and I talk to myself all the time, this is a very talkative household.

We have a cat that has some Siamese in it we think. Her personality and vocal chords are certainly Siamesesque...but her build and coloring is 100% tabby mutt. :) She can meow to you and you can meow back...and she'll meow back to you and you can meow back. That can go on for hours. :)

No kids yet. Hopefully in a few years. Wife wants them sooner than I. ;)

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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Did the Dad ranting thing reeal goood for years it seems.. Paid off I guess?

We have a boy 31, girl 28 and boy 24. Never any trouble, tickets, and worked their own school bills, etc. Something to say for ranting and raving and paying attention. The boys have an M5 and a WRX and don't get wrecked or picked up. The girl dosn't care too much about cars - what's with that?

Now...the weiner dogs give us trouble! They complain if they are not in the Caddy on the way to McDonalds to get ice cream. They also know that only one dog in the car means a trip to the vet and the battle begins.

The kids were a LOT easier. Its going to be a race to the finish to see if we outlast the weinger dogs...

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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One of the best carryovers from my childhood that I really tried, & did, was to have us all sit down for dinner ea. night. Keeps the communication channels open and with three kids a couple of years apart it makes for a lively dinner.

Now my wife & I talk about how well the "kids" are doing (ages 21, 24, 26) as we decide where to eat out.

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Well I have 3 kids a son just about 20, and twin girls 17, one of the twins is a special needs who is on a 5-6 year old mental level, but she is our gift from God.

I know of no other child who greets each new day with big bright eyes, a great smile and a sense of wonder in what is coming her way today! She has taught me to enjoy the small things we tend to overlook as adults, the sight of a bug crawling on plants, the opening of a flower among many other things.

My son on the other hand gave my wife & I run for our money, right after he turned 16 he tried to go wild on us, we are still reinging him in some, but he is much better now.

The other twin is a semi perfect child, there are a few small problems but nothing major, she is our scholar, on the National Honor roll & Who's Who of american High School Students.

As far as pets...rabbit, ferret, hedgehog, veiled chamelon, and a dog.

Thats why I love my STS, it is my get away, just to get alittle time and cruse with sunroof open, & the tunes on. It is also easy for my daughter to get in a 4 door car, and for a 4 door what a ride!



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