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Spots on inside of radio and dash glass


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Haven't visited for awhile--last summer spots showed up on inside of radio and dash glass. Look like thick water spots almost but on inside only. Only on right side of dash glass. Car has never been wet inside and we have found no way to remove the spots. Worse in radio. Anyone ever seen this? Almost looks like something burst inside and splattered oil or some substance on inside. Doubt that the glass will come off to clean. I'm too cheap to take it to the dealer so far! Thanks

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Don't assume the car has never been wet on the inside. You might be one of the lucky ones with the ever leaking trunk. Also, a car doesn't have to be WET for fungus to grow inside the car. Dampness will do it too.

Might be one of two possibilities: it might be fungus growing inside the glass/plastic lens or it might be Newton's rings forming from an oily substance or vapor that has entered the dash and radio and settled on the glass or plastic lens.

It's a job to get the lens out but you might be able to clean them if it's just Newston's rings, if it's fungus, it's probably etched itself into the surface already so there's not a whole lot you can do at this point.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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IF you take out the lenses, you could try a plastic cleaner/polish on them. MC shops usually have products like these. I have restored several lenses, to like new, using Meguiar's #17 Clear Plastic Cleaner. Before I got the #17, I used to use Semichrome Polish(No-grit Metal Polish). The key to clear lenses is to use something that won't add scratches. Microfiber is pretty safe for this. There are several products on the market for polishing plastic, take your pick.


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