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Hey Guys, It's been a long time since I've posted. I like the new look.

I've been traveling the last few months, and have just started settling

down back at home.


I am going to get a set of replacement struts (front and rear) from

www.strutmasters.com, and I'm ok with the $ 500 price tag. My new

concern is that my rear suspension squeaks like there is no tomorrow.

I have a vanity tag that reads 'DATAMAN' I'm thinking about changing

it to 'Squeaky'.

Bill, where do I start looking for squeaks ? Control arm bushings, or

does the squeaking come from my sagging-rear shock assemblies ?


A noise from the engine compartmet sounds like a power steering

pump low on fluid, but I checked and the level is fine. The sound

appars to be coming from either the alternator or compressor ?

Which of those sounds like a power steering pump out of fluid ?

thanks guys

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Hi Ross, Unfortunately I can't answer questions, but I wanted to throw a "mine too" out there. I have a squeak under the hood as well. I haven't had a chance to really get into it (perhaps this weekend, it only does it while cold, clears up after it gets warm), but mine appears to be the power steering pump. I feared alternator bearings, however the squeak is substantially louder if I open the power steering pump to check the fluid level.

My question to the group is: with only 60k on my '96, is it somewhat commonplace to loose a power steering pump? And, while I'm waiting to get a copy of the service manual, is it a duanting task to R&R the beast? It isn't obvious to the most casual observer how one is supposed to get the pulley off with only 3 inches clearance to the A/C dryer. It doesn't appear to come off WITH the pulley either, because I only have 1/2 inch clearance to get onto ONE mounting bolt. Hmmmm gotta love these tight new engines... Anyones experiences with the pump would be appreciated!

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Can't help with the R & R as mine is still fine at 81K so I would say 60K is a bit premature if indeed it is a PS pump. Check the belt tentioner. I understand that is a bit more common to have a bearing squeak. I was just looking at mine this morning contemplating how I might get some grease into it without removing it as a preventive measure. It does not look like it is too easy to get to (with the engine in the car). :rolleyes:

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The length of rubber hose( stethescope) trick could help isolate the noise. FWIW, my pump gave it up at about 70K miles. The pump groaned when it was cold, and lost fluid. Larry,You might be able to shoot some grease into the bearing with a glue injector (Sherwin Williams Paint store). The injector is like a big hypodermic syringe.


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Larry,You might be able to shoot some grease into the bearing with a glue injector (Sherwin Williams Paint store). The injector is like a big hypodermic syringe.

I have a needle fitting for my grease gun that would work also. The problem is getting to it so you can pry off the "seal". These engines are pretty well "shoe horned" in.

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I think the rear suspension squeek would be pretty hard to detect with a stethescope if it's like mine. I have a 99 STS and have a similar squeak from the rear suspension. I cannot duplicate the sound when sitting still. I have never been able to even pin down the exact circumstances if you can believe that! I would say it happens when the body slowly rolls in transition from straight to left turn, but only below 35 MPH. Then to make matters worse, it only happens occasionally! Go figure.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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Yeah, I know, I was trying to get back to Ross's original post about the rear suspension squeak. I should have added this in the "Me Too" department.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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