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Antifreeze Revisited


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As most of you know, my car is the 4.9L engine. That said, I've noticed there's some "yellow" antifreeze on the market which claims it can be mixed with the "green stuff". Anyone know if this is true? Is the "yellow stuff" able to safely mix with the "green stuff"? :lol:

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Marika is it Prestone? Here is a link to Prestones products:


Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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