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2000 STS Phone Question...


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I have finally found the car that I am going to buy. It is a 2000 STS and has the cell phone in the center console. Can someone tell me if these were digital or analog phones? I'm sure if it is analog that it will just be dead weight I'm carrying around, as I don't think any of the providers will activate analog service.



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I agree, but since it is already installed, I thought it might be nice to have it activated. Now, I think I will see about replacing the phone controls on the steering wheel with the HVAC controls. I suppose that will cost an insane amount of money...



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Does it have a button for Onstar on it? If so I am sure it is Analog. If your Onstar is on your rear view mirror then I bet it is digital. Cadillac started putting digital phones in as early as 1996 but most people bought the analog phones so they could have Onstar.

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