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Starting Disabled fix!!


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I came across this fix while searching the internet. I know the inline resistor fix has been noted before but this describes it in detail with pictures and has links on what to do if that doesn't work! also there is a website where you can purchase the passlock sl and other bypass module to correct starting disabled or car may not restart errors. I dont know the best place to purchase them but you can find them easily by searching the web, well anyway here is the tutorial site: http://www.likeabigdog.com/column/VATS.htm

Oh by the way the passlock sl modules and others cost around $29-$50 and are pretty much plug and play

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Now that I think about it, I'm glad my pass key still works and have been fortunate enough not to have a problem....but if I ever do...

Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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