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N* Part mount location


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Hi Guys,

Getting ready to reinstall the N* back in my '97 Deville and I've had a brain failure.

I mounted the transmission back on the engine today, got all the engine/transmission connections, etc made and there's a bracket that, for the life of me, I can't remember where the heck the thing goes. The Helms manual is no help on this. :blink:

See pic. Anything to help would be appreciated.


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Scotty to the rescue again... :)

The first thing I thought of was the someone with warped sense of humor might have tossed in an extra part on you... :angry:

Not that I've ever done that or had it done...just a bit wary of those things. :unsure:

Glad that you're getting close on the back-together. :)

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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Thanks, but Logan NAILED it with a NICE picture in 20 minutes...

I was thrilled to find that post from almost exactly a year ago, it took some time, I thought that AliRaza asked the question but it was Julio. Last week I was under my car and saw that brace and smiled... I have a memory like a sieve, but show me an obscure NS part and I can remember a single post from a year ago, scary.... :rolleyes: I have to get a life... :lol: maybe this is my life... :blink:

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Thanks very much. :)

Did you pull this from a Helms Manual? I can't find a drawing like that in the one I've got.

Thought more about it last night after my posting and I did remember that it was connected somewhere between the trans and the motor, but I had at two possible bolt locations left and I didn't want to goof it up.

Seems crazy. I can recall the locations and placements for 98% of the engine parts from memory, but when it gets down to brackets and simple covers, I go blank on the stuff unless it's obvious on where it fits. :D

Based on my schedule it wil take a few more weeks before I can drop it back in the car.

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Want to see something histerical, Julio asked the SAME question


Amazing, Scotty! And it happened exactly one year ago!

I wonder what important fact of information that little tid bit from a year ago overwrote in my brain? :blink::lol:

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