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my 91 sevile has been giveing me a hartack. new keys, new lock cylinder and ecm. Still no start just says "starting dissabled, due to anti-theft system."

any ideas :(

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Have you looked at the manual? I have a 91 manual, I will look it over, its possible that one of your door locks is defective, let me look it over, you certainly have replaced a lot, so it seems that it would be something else. I am sure there is a diagnostic on it. If I am not mistaken there is also an override, adallak has spoken about it, Mike

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The new key must have the same resistance th eold one had. Did you compare the values?

Good point that is exactly what I read in the manual. Here is information from the manual, Mike


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I hope this is not redundant because you already have the manual, but here are the Troubleshooting Hints from 8A-133 in the manual. Check PCM-IGN Fuse 7 and make sure its not open. Mike

PS, who made the keys? Does Security System Indicator on dash light? Try unlocking each door individually. I have the manual, I can scan the diagnostics and circuit operation details if you don't have the manual. Send me a PM with an email address if you need it.. Mike


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