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Someone flatline an '05 STS already?


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The first thing that caught my eye was the engine mounted clutched cooling fan and the inline rear mounted tranny. Haven't seen that in a while. Somewhat nostalgic but nice to see 'em coming back.

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The first thing that caught my eye was the engine mounted clutched cooling fan and the inline rear mounted tranny. Haven't seen that in a while. Somewhat nostalgic but nice to see 'em coming back.

Give me electric fans any day, Larry. Quiet, efficient, and do nothing until they are needed.

The tranny is a different story. Might be possible to service that one without a lift and hoist and 6 hands to do it.


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Yeah, I have no problem with electric fans. It was just something from my past that I hadn't seen in a while. Tranny is another story. For all the pluses of FWD I sure do miss the accessabilty of a good ole RWD (north-south mounted engine and trans...... the way God intended)

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