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Climate control readout off by a few degrees

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My AC (in my 88 Seville) is plenty cold but I have to set the auto temp at around 75-76 degrees to get it to maintain a comfortable tempature of around 72 degrees. Oterhwise the interior tempature is too cold and the fan blows at a higer speed. When I raise the temp to the higer degrees, the fan slows and the temp in the car is closer to 72.

Is there an adjustment somewhere to make the set tempature closer to the actual tempature in the car? Any help would be appreciated. It's not a big deal, just a bit annoying since I know this is not how it is suppose to work. :)

Thanks in advance to any help or suggestions from the forum members.

PS: I am still having difficulties uploading a profile photo. Iv'e compressed the photo and made it smaller several times, with still no luck. Again, any help would be appreciated.

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Sorry I can't answer your question or help even. I am curious though how you decided it is reading incorrectly. I would think the rear package tray would read a very different temp than say the top of the steering column. I am curious if there is a standard position for measuring the reading for the cars computer.

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Sorry I can't answer your question or help even. I am curious though how you decided it is reading incorrectly. I would think the rear package tray would read a very different temp than say the top of the steering column. I am curious if there is a standard position for measuring the reading for the cars computer.

I'm not sure and I have not actually placed a themometer to see if it is cooler than the temp that I set, I just feels cooler than in my SRX when I set the temp at 72. I just thought there might be an adjustment of some sort, guess not. I just set the desired temp a bit higer so the fan speed lowers a bit more quickly and the temp is not so cold. Thanks for your reply.

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