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Radio not working '93 De Ville

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I have read many posts but not sure what to think. We have a standard cassette/stereo the radio worked for about 30 seconds now just the clock. I have checked and replaced fuses. Still no go. I have power to all items listed for fuse #11 except to the radio and the antenna. I have read it needs an unlock code. Then I read it does NOT need an unlock code. So confusing. I have been trying to remove it in order to get the info to get an unlock code. I need help to get the radio working. Can anyone help me?

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There is no Theftlock code needed for that radio - Theftlock came out in the 1996 model year. You have power to everything on the "radio" circuit except for the radio? If that's the case, it sounds like there is a broken power wire that feeds the radio.

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