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For Any Of You Old Farts That Remember The 60's...

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That was very interesting and nostalgic Jim. I remember my fathers attitude toward Muhamad Ali, he would not have claimed him the greatest. He is to me. He loved Elvis though. I try to listen to todays music and remember my parents attitude toward our music. I try to give today, the benefit of the doubt. I still have MY doubts that our country can survive our lawyer/political contributions! I am sure my grandparents felt the same but here we are. The video commented on our lack of physical fitness, but the professional athletes of today are far superior to the 60's.

I subscribe to the thinking "the older I get the better I was" :D But in reality what was better back then? My physical self, and thats what I would really like to have back, every thing else is superior today, even my knowledge. Our children will be in our shoes one day and wouldn't you like to hear their thoughts of how it was back in the day?

AWESOME video if I didn't get that meaning out.

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