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2003 DeVille Glovebox Door Broken Latch


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Broken handle removed. Door now closed and latched. Need cut section or other advice how to trigger internal latch mechanism with a probe through opening where the handle was removed. Or, other suggestion.

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Problem solved. :yupi3ti: Although I was never able to see the metal piece where the latch cable connects, I did get lucky and snagged the right-hand end of the metal piece and pull it towards the center of the car. This did release the latch and I now have control over the glove box. And the dealer only wants $95 for a new latch without the keylock. I can open within a second with my thumb and will forego the expense. At least for the time being. I have a picture taken from the top down inside the glovebox door. This gives you a picture of what you are looking for from underneath the closed door looking up. Unfortunately, it is too large to attach to this reply. If there is a way for you to contact me, I could send it to you?

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