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Philly Dude


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Philly Dude,

I forget where I was, but I presume it was you, considering the license plate. I saw your sts parked downtown I think? IDK, It was parked, maybe by Drexel, I go to Drexel, anyways, I saw it, green, nice license plate, mine is the same exact color. It was kinda funny cause I had my girl in the car, and we pulled up next to it, and I was like, now doesnt that look nice without a big keymark in the side? (mine has a big key mark) SHe's not into cars but it was funny. How old are u? We should meet up sometime on the boulvevard or something . haha. My sts needs alot of front end work, its pretty bouncy, I dont have the money, but my father and I just put a new engine in (new meaning 80,000 miles, honed the cylinders, replaced all the gaskets). It runs pretty good, my other engine still ran with 240,000 but needed a headgasket. Peace out


Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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Davedog, I'm betting they're talking about Drexel University right in Philly. But i don't think Drexel Hill all that far away anyhoo. I used to live in Pa. years ago and my brother used to live in Philly. Nice town.

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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