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I just cleaned the Throttle Body and EGR...


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Hey guys, i just cleaned my TB on my 96 and there was a good amount of crud on there. I also cleaned my EGR because I was getting a 1406. Now my idle is higher than normal, the car seems to have more umph to it but this cant be a good thing. I looked for posts regarding this issue but I couldnt figure out which applied to my car. I am also getting a service idle control system message with the High idle code 0507. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Ok so now my next question would be what happens when u disconnect the battery for even like 10 minutes and the idle still stays at 1100?I used carb cleaner to get the gunk off i disconnected the tb to get to the other side easier, i double checked that there were no gaps when i put it back on, but maybe im wrong.

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Well there it is.....you took the throttle body off.

The throttle body uses a large 'O' ring. After a spell these will swell up. If you dismantle the TB from the intake...its nearly impossible to get the 'O' ring to fit back into the groove. Result is a vacuum leak.

Any time I have to take one off...I always have a new 'O' ring there. Its big....about 4 inches in diameter.

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Thinking about it.....I think the older cars use the big o ring. I think the '96 actually uses a gasket. That being said....the service manual states....

"Important: Use a new gasket." anytime the TB is removed.

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