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97 SLS Difficulty turning left

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Having difficuilty turning left. Turning right works normally but occasionally left turns are very difficult. It feels as if I am fighting the hydraulics. I've tried putting it in neutral and reving the engin but this does not help. I cannot drive the car as it is. The PS resivoire is full. I do not know what else to look for. Help please...

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Everything appears to be tight. I jacked up the front end and took a good look. Pushed and pulled on tires and linkage as best I could. While I had the front end up in the air, I started it and turned the wheels back and forth many times. Although it is easier than when on the ground, there is still some resistance when turning left. There is no consistency on where in the turn the resistance is. When turning from complete right to complete left, there will be portions where the assist seems to work but mostly it does not.

Any more suggestions from anyone? Is there a clog in one of the lines? Do I need to take it to the shop? I don't think I can tackle replacing the rack myslef.

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Does the pawer steering pump use it's own belt, and is there an idler pulley on that belt?

There is a check valve in the steering rack...but I do not believe it is serviceable by itself.

Hopefully someone else with more knowledge of your car will jump in here to help us.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Having difficuilty turning left. Turning right works normally but occasionally left turns are very difficult. It feels as if I am fighting the hydraulics. I've tried putting it in neutral and reving the engin but this does not help. I cannot drive the car as it is. The PS resivoire is full. I do not know what else to look for. Help please...

I'm having the same problem with my 94 STS... Except mine is slowly leaking onto the floor in the car. Everything is tight and the pump has fluid etc. but to turn left is like nothing and to turn right is how you described.

I've read a bit about this being a common problem with these cars and the cure is supposedly a new steering rack.

I'm going to replace mine soon along with a new PS pump and most likely new lines to have a fresh system.

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  • 2 months later...


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