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Hudson River landing

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It defies belief.

The Captain and crew are heroes and the passengers can all congratulate themselves for their orderly evacuation.

US Air and Airbus can both take pride in their training programs and procedures that provided the crew with the skills to deal with just such an emergency.

Unbelievable set of circumstances.


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Yup, the capt will be receiving much and well deserved kudos. Much like Capt Al Haynes who landed UAL 232 at Sioux City with no rudders or ailerons. Though he wasn't quite as successful, it was amazing that anyone lived to tell about it. Last I heard he is still giving speeches. This crew really had their stuff together. I'm quite sure that the Capt's and F/O's seat cushions are permanently creased. Pucker factor must have been extremely high.

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I'm quite sure that the Capt's and F/O's seat cushions are permanently creased. Pucker factor must have been extremely high.

:D :D :D

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